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Speaking Topics - Description Questions Inwards English-Language Exams

The English linguistic communication oral exam for the Michigan State University  Speaking Topics - Description Questions inwards English-language Exams
The English linguistic communication oral exam for the Michigan State University (MSU) certificate at C2 flat is a straight-forward affair if yous know ahead of fourth dimension what it is examiners powerfulness ask.

This applies to all Speaking components of English-language certificate exams which way that the to a greater extent than varied the types of questions a candidate has cognition of inwards advance, the to a greater extent than probable he or she is to stumble upon a similar inquiry on the actual twenty-four threescore minutes menses of the test. Thinking virtually what answers could locomote given ahead of fourth dimension too jotting downward roughly ideas inwards complaint shape lets candidates worry virtually finding the correct words to role during the exam instead of searching for things to say, arguments to give, examples to back upwards an persuasion which they powerfulness fifty-fifty non bring at that particular moment.

This post so is non entirely geared towards those taking the MSU exam, simply for candidates preparing for the IELTS, CPE, ECPE, ESB, LRN, TOEFL, PTE, BULATS, TIE, too similar tests whose listing volition doubtless growth amongst time.

Teachers volition notice this listing useful inwards preparing students yesteryear discussing possible vocabulary words they could role to reply particular questions. Even if sitting an exam is non the issue, getting students to verbalize during every lesson is vital, so these questions could serve equally give-and-take starters.

How to reply description questions

The fine art of answering questions that enquire yous to push clit an event, person, or thing is 1 that develops amongst practice. This listing so gives yous dissimilar topics yous tin function amongst so yous tin repeat strategies needed to respond to such questions equally fully equally possible. 

Remember, inwards club for an examiner to degree you, at that spot needs to locomote ample fabric available for them to assess, so your number 1 priority is to bring things to say. 

Step 1: The Basics

First kickoff amongst background information that includes time, place, people involved. This helps yous ease into your reply yesteryear putting your interlocutor into the epitome of things.

This business office of your reply shouldn't in conclusion long because the inquiry itself wants yous to focus on something else.

Step 2: Describe

Next, holler back to describe, seeing equally that is the indicate of the inquiry yous bring been asked. If yous are describing an object, get upwards proportions, color, texture, inwards brusque anything that has to do amongst its appearance before describing its uses. 

The same applies to people. Describe what they expect similar earlier mentioning qualities they powerfulness bring similar loyalty, patience too the like.

With events, push clit details sequentially, mentioning the physical aspects of the termination equally seen through the senses. For example, if yous demand to verbalize virtually a concert yous went to, push clit the people who attended or the appearance of the performers, the venue, seating, atmosphere, the scent or audio of things, basically whatever other item that a mortal could sense. To organize your thoughts better, verbalize virtually each of these things inwards the club yous noticed them (you arrived at the venue so push clit its exterior, too so interior. Then yous noticed the people there, so push clit them. Then the performers came out on phase so get upwards details pertaining to their appearance.)

Step 3: Close off

Finally, circular off your reply yesteryear describing whatever cannot locomote sensed, simply cognitively inferred. In other words, push clit what people felt, or how yous felt. Most often, business office of the inquiry itself volition bring remained unanswered afterward you've described things equally yous saw them. It is that in conclusion business office of the inquiry that yous reply at this stage.

Don't worry also much virtually this stage, particularly if the inquiry is business office of an exam. You don't bring to pass much fourth dimension on this, equally the master copy argue for the inquiry was for yous to push clit something. What I hateful yesteryear describing what is cognitively inferred is that yous are going to briefly assess a situation.

For example, if the inquiry says to push clit your favorite athlete, afterward yous tell a whole bunch of things virtually them, what soundless remains to locomote answered is why that athlete is your favorite. You must so verbalize virtually "the why" behind your choice.

Another example: if the inquiry mentions "the worst" or "the best", complete off your reply yesteryear explaining why inwards your persuasion it was "the worst" or "the best". Assess yous choice.

The English linguistic communication oral exam for the Michigan State University  Speaking Topics - Description Questions inwards English-language Exams
Click hither for IELTS Speaking tips

Response Length

For most C2-level exams, answers to questions arrive at from 2-3 minutes depending on the awarding body, so attempt to exercise answering questions yesteryear timing yourself, if yous are planning on sitting an exam, that is. 

Teachers could also aim at getting students to hold a consistent stream of spoken communication yesteryear edifice upwards their endurance. Starting from 1 minute, too so raising the bar to two, too so 3 minutes is for sure to enable C2-level candidates to overstep the oral element of an exam. Improving their degree to beyond the overstep grade is a totally carve upwards endeavor, however, too 1 I'm non going to bargain amongst inwards this post.

MSU- CELP Speaking Topics

Part 1:


  •  Where was the worst house you've always eaten?
  • Can yous push clit a mortal who has helped yous improve yourself? 
  •  Describe the narrowest escape you've always had.

  • Can yous push clit a house where equally a kid yous went on holiday?  

  • Describe something that happened to yous that yous soundless holler back afterward many years.

  •  What was the worst hotel or accommodation you've always stayed in?

  •  What makes a moving epitome interesting to you? / Can yous push clit your favorite film?

  • Describe a house where yous unremarkably store for groceries.

  •  Describe the most irritating experience you've always had.

  •  Can yous push clit a epitome or photograph that made an impression on you? 

  •  Describe your favorite toy equally a child.

  • Could yous push clit your neighborhood?

  •  Describe an odd incident that happened to yous inwards a world place.

  • Who has been the best instructor yous always had?
  • Describe the funniest story you've always heard.

  •  Describe a device or household appliance yous role on a daily basis.

  • Have yous visited a museum or fine art gallery that made an impression on you?

  • Describe ways how yous avoid stress. What do yous do inwards club to Pb a to a greater extent than relaxed life?

  •  Describe your worst nightmare or most wonderful dream.

  • Describe your favorite room inwards a house.

  • Could yous push clit a house of involvement inwards the metropolis or town where yous alive that isn't a major tourist attraction?
  • Can yous push clit a eating spot where yous too your household unit of measurement often eat ?
  •  Describe the ideal house.
  •  Describe the in conclusion fourth dimension someone or something made yous vociferation either because yous felt sad, cheerful or were moved.

  • Can yous push clit a twenty-four threescore minutes menses when the conditions made yous experience depressed?

  •  Describe a household unit of measurement termination yous went to recently.

  • Can yous push clit a house yous unremarkably learn to when yous experience angry or upset.

  •  Describe a undertaking yous had which was the worst ever.

  • Not all TV commercials are successful at selling yous something. Can yous push clit the worst TV commercial you’ve always seen?
  •  Describe the motorcar you'd similar to drive.

  • Can yous push clit a mortal that yous can’t learn along with, no affair how difficult you’ve tried?

  •  Could yous push clit the relative yous dearest the most.
  • Describe a house yous relish shopping at.

  •  Can yous tell me virtually a chore yous loathe having to do?
  • Could yous push clit a mortal who has greatly influenced you?

  •  Can yous tell me virtually your most loyal friend?

  • Describe the best birthday political party you've always been to.

  • Tell me virtually your favorite item of wearable or outfit that yous used to have on equally a child.

  • Describe the most beautiful house you've been to.
  •  Describe a game yous used to play amongst friends or household unit of measurement members when yous were younger.

  • Tell me virtually a house yous ofttimes learn to to learn away from people or things that upset or stress you.


The English linguistic communication oral exam for the Michigan State University  Speaking Topics - Description Questions inwards English-language Exams