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The Latest Give-And-Take - Chasm


The give-and-take "chasm" is derived from the Greek give-and-take χάσμα (pronounced "hasma")(point of note: all words transferred into English linguistic communication from the Greek linguistic communication changed the Greek "χ" to a "ch", every bit inward psychology, chronic, archaeology, etc.) too agency abyss, an opening flora on the earth's surface which is commonly broad too deep. 

In Greek, the verb associated alongside the give-and-take is χάσκω (pronounced "hasko") which could best live on explained as 

a) "with oral fissure agape" either inward a state of surprise, puzzlement or absentmindedness

b) "to acquaint a threatening gap" analogous to a mixture of the words loom and extend, lay or stretch out, every bit inward for example: 

"Before Gandalf loomed the bottomless pit beneath the Bridge of Kasad-dûm." This is non a quote from Lord of the Rings, hear you. The actual Tolkien quote is mentioned inward the Examples department below.


A chasm is a rift, a gap or fissure and inward this feel nosotros experience every bit if the opening is moderately large. It also denotes much greater gaps such every bit gorges and maintains the master copy Greek pregnant of an abyss.

Metaphorically speaking, this broad gap pertains to a broad difference of opinion or state betwixt 2 sides. For example, at that topographic point tin live on a dandy chasm between
  • two religions or ideologies
  • the immature too the old
  • a woman raise too her daughter 
  • the rich too the poor


  • "Suddenly Frodo saw earlier him a dark chasm." J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring 
  • “Every creator painfully experiences the chasm betwixt his inner vision too its ultimate expression. The chasm is never completely bridged." Isaac Bashevis Singer


A give-and-take ofttimes seen linked inward a lay out of mythologies to chasm is chaos due to the fact that the latter referred to a void, emptiness or an abyss from which the public sprang. 

In Greek mythology, Chaos is a somewhat versatile entity, at times playing the purpose of a primordial goddess from which other primordial gods similar Gaia, Tartaros too Eros came or who co-existed alongside other primordial entities such every bit Erebos, Nyx, Aither too Hemera to cause down with. In to a greater extent than or less texts, it is certainly that Erebos too Nyx alone, both deities of darkness, were Chaos's offspring. 

Chaos is also likened to a cosmic egg, then to speak, which contained a mixture of basic elements.  In whatever case, it is the void or chasm flora higher upwards or below the basis that according to Plato is a shapeless infinite alongside a mixture of draw elements piece Aristotle refers to it every bit a void independent of bodies from which creation sprang.

The Romans simply agreed alongside the thought of the dandy chasm which is why non much past times way of conception is flora on the theme inward the brief search I undertook.

In Norse mythology, the chasm where no sun, moon, stars, solid set down or sea existed was named Ginnungagap. It was described every bit a yawning void or gaping abyss. Into this chasm, the 11 poisonous rivers of Elivagar, emptied, froze too later years of clashes alongside sheets of burn that came from the solid set down of burn Muspellheim to the due south of the chasm, sparks of life materialized.
In sum, ancient civilizations to a greater extent than ofttimes than non agreed upon the notion that a dandy void or chasm existed from which life sprang either direct or indirectly. 


a) abysm, abyss, deep, gorge, canyon, ravine, gulf, ocean 
b) cavern, hollow, hole, pit, cavity, crater
c) cleft, crevasse, fissure, rift, schism
d) breadth, expanse, extent
e) dark hole, emptiness, nothingness

 all words transferred into English linguistic communication from the Greek linguistic communication changed the Greek  The Latest Word - Chasm

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 all words transferred into English linguistic communication from the Greek linguistic communication changed the Greek  The Latest Word - Chasm