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Writing Recommendation Letters - Useful Phrases

When nosotros desire to either recommend a specific somebody or course of written report of activity for a B Writing Recommendation Letters - Useful Phrases
When nosotros desire to either recommend a specific somebody or course of written report of activity for a B2 or C2-level English linguistic communication exam nosotros own got to live clear that nosotros don't confuse these types of letters or emails with the typical, describe organisation recommendation letters prospective employers or direction offices at universities mightiness require candidates to give.

At the exam you lot are close to sit, you lot volition likely live required to play the component of someone who has been asked to
a)  nominate a peer for a seat at schoolhouse or at a club, or set someone's hollo forwards for an abide by that is to live given or
b) suggest, alongside many other things, the best house to acquire on vacation or some activities that should held during a specific effect which is laid to own got place, how to pass coin at one's disposal, as well as thus on.

The next post should assist you lot organize such a missive of the alphabet or e-mail (even an oral statement, if necessary) every bit good every bit laissez passer you lot some useful phrases you lot should transcend along inward hear when writing your response (even giving your response at the oral exam).

Be careful! These types of letters are non the same every bit letters that laissez passer advice close a occupation someone is having a difficult fourth dimension dealing with.They are non emails that respond advice column letters.

Well, straight off that we've clarified that, let's start with how you lot demand to organize your answer.


Letters of recommendation, similar whatever other formal slice of writing have

  • an introduction
  • a primary body
  • a conclusion

Before these 3 parts, you lot likewise own got addresses, the appointment as well as the opening greeting. After the conclusion, at that spot is a closing as well as your signature. For an exam, however, it's rattling unlikely that you lot volition live asked to render addresses.

See the layout of a missive of the alphabet at the halt of this post for the positioning of the addresses, appointment as well as the opening as well as closing greetings.

In the introduction


  • say who you lot are: laissez passer basic information close yourself. You create non demand to the world your name, every bit that volition live evident at the halt of the letter.


    • I am a third yr pupil at Fennmore High.

    • I am a high schoolhouse pupil as well as a volunteer at the local youth center.

    • I am a fellow member of this community as well as run part-time at the local library.

Step 2

  • state the reason(s) why you lot are writing the letter. 
  • state the hollo of the somebody you lot desire to recommend or the topic you lot volition brand recommendations on.  
  • state your human relationship to this somebody (friend, relative, neighbor, etc.) or event.
  • give a definitive disputation that shows your opinion.


    • The argue I am writing is to recommend a classmate of mine for this year's Best Student Award.

    • I would similar to brand some suggestions regarding the activities you lot wishing to organize for the cultural central plan this coming July.

    • Having read your article inward the local gazette regarding the considerable donation to the schoolhouse made past times Ms Smith, I would similar laissez passer a few pointers every bit to how that coin should live spent.

In the primary trunk

  • you laissez passer details close the somebody you lot are recommending or the course of written report of activity you lot are suggesting.

  • each novel hollo for must live described clearly inward a novel paragraph.


    • From what I understand, for this year's abide by you lot are looking for someone with integrity. I believe my classmate Carl is a swain who displays decency as well as has a feel of abide by rattling few adolescents his historic menses exhibit. 

    • If you lot desire the effect to live a success, what I think would live useful is to gear upwards activities for people of all ages. Play areas for toddlers as well as booths aimed at attracting adults' attending volition convey inward much needed coin for the charity you lot intend to sponsor.

    • The whole amount of coin should non live spent on a unmarried projection that would create goodness the school. My proposal is that component of it live spent on improving the resources middle as well as I say this for 2 reasons. The commencement is because ...

In the conclusion

  • you should hollo what you lot hold off the somebody you lot are writing to, to do.
  • you should likewise limited your lastly thoughts on the topic without precisely repeating anything you've already stated earlier.


    • I promise I own got been able to convince you lot of Carl's eligibility for this award. If you lot would similar farther information, delight create non hesitate to contact me. 

    • I believe it is of import for the fete to attract every bit many local citizens every bit possible, inward see of the charitable nature of the event. I sincerely promise my suggestions volition live taken into consideration as well as volition assist brand this a hateful solar daytime to remember.

    • Seeing every bit at that spot is a demand for renovations as well as learning materials, the best course of written report of activity is to allocate unopen to one-half of the coin to upgrading the resources middle as well as the other one-half towards the buy of textbooks, lab equipment as well as musical instruments.

When nosotros desire to either recommend a specific somebody or course of written report of activity for a B Writing Recommendation Letters - Useful Phrases

Useful Phrases for Recommendation Letters/Emails 

The next phrases create non include the commons connecting words or phrases that all essays or letters should include, such every bit "furthermore", "in add-on to this", "due to the fact that" as well as thus on.

 [NOTE close phrases that incorporate parentheses: the words inside the parentheses should live altered depending on the province of affairs described inward the rubric.]

Opening Greeting
  • Dear Sir / Madam,
  • Dear Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. + last name,

  • I am writing inward regard to (the uncovering inward the local newspaper) close ...
  • I am writing regarding ...
  • I am writing on describe organisation human relationship of ...
  • I am writing on the dependent area of ...
  • I am writing to you lot inward connector with ...
  • I am writing to push clit your attending to ...
  • There are a gain of options for you lot to conduct from.
  • In my opinion, you lot would live improve to ... / it would live improve to ...
  • May I propose that you lot ... / May I recommend that you lot ...
  • I would similar to brand some suggestions ...
  • I would similar to recommend my (classmate/colleague/friend + person's name) for (the award/the position/job).
  • I am certain I volition live able to convince you lot that (he/she) is the best candidate (for this award/position/job).
  • There are 3 things (the Council) tin create to (raise coin for this charity).
  • I promise the next suggestions volition live of some assist to you. 
  • I am happy to offering the next suggestions.

Main Body
  • I would say that ...
  • If I were you, I would ...
  • The best advice I tin laissez passer is to ...
  • The most of import matter to retrieve is ...
  • I strongly recommend that ...
  • I would propose that ...
  • I believe the best course of written report of activity would live to ...
  • I believe the best course of written report of activity is ...
  • As good every bit this, ...
  • You should ...
  • You ought to ...
  • You mightiness reckon ...
  • I think you lot should likewise reckon ...
  • Use of the Conditional, for example: If the commission were to organize events for everyone, thus the hateful solar daytime would live a successful one.

  • I promise my recommendation volition live taken into consideration ...
  • I trust you lot volition reckon my recommendations / suggestions.
  • I promise this volition live of help.
  • I promise I own got been of assistance.
  • I wishing you lot good inward whatever course of written report of activity you lot determine upon.
  • Implementing these suggestions would ...
  • If you lot (gave the abide by to Carl), I am certain you lot would live to a greater extent than than satisfied with your decision.
  • If you lot (gave the abide by to Carl), I am certain (he/she) would live (worthy of it). 
  • If you lot (gave the abide by to Carl), I am certain (he/she) would (fulfill the duties the seat requires).

  • When the opening greeting is Dear Sir/Madam, nosotros unopen with Yours faithfully,
  • If nosotros opened the missive of the alphabet with Dear + name, nosotros unopen with Yours sincerely,

Letter Layout

Recipient’s address                                         

Sender’s address


Dear …,


Main Body




Printed Name


When nosotros desire to either recommend a specific somebody or course of written report of activity for a B Writing Recommendation Letters - Useful Phrases