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B2 Sample Writing Xv (Letter - Central Educatee Mentor Recommendation)

The  next sample alphabetic lineament has been written hence that exam candidates for a  B B2 Sample Writing fifteen (Letter - Exchange Student Mentor Recommendation)
The next sample alphabetic lineament has been written hence that exam candidates for a B2 flat English linguistic communication examine (FCE directly called First for Schools, ECCE, IELTS - 5.5 / 6.0, MSU-CELC, ESB, LRN) tin larn some ideas most how to organize together with struggle their writing.  First accept a human face at how to purpose the sample essays together with letters that appear on this weblog yesteryear reading the next post:

What practise I practise amongst the sample writing constitute on this blog?

Remember: such topics tin every bit good live used to start flat discussions, hence teachers mightiness every bit good desire to read on to larn ideas most a flat activeness they could laid to ameliorate students' oral skills.

This detail interrogation has been taken from an ECCE textbook which agency that the rubric contains an introductory province of affairs together with hence the interrogation itself. The length of the sample alphabetic lineament that follows is around what examiners would hold back to live completed inwards one-half an hour's time.

Note: When you lot write a alphabetic lineament or essay, you lot don't direct maintain to concur exclusively amongst the arguments you lot seat forward. Write what is easier to defend amongst explanations or examples. 

Here's the rubric:

Exchange Student Mentors Needed

Mentors are needed to befriend the unusual telephone substitution students who are coming to our metropolis this year. Last year’s students felt overwhelmed together with constitute it difficult to brand friends. Mentors volition live required to aid telephone substitution students larn settled inwards when they arrive. Please ship letters recommending someone to Mrs. Ellis inwards the top dog office.

Write a alphabetic lineament to Mrs. Ellis recommending someone gibe to live an telephone substitution pupil mentor. Give reasons for your recommendation. Begin your letter, “Dear Mrs. Ellis.”

Sample Letter

Dear Mrs. Ellis,

          Having seen your advertising bespeak for telephone substitution pupil mentors, I believe I direct maintain someone inwards hear who would live perfect for this post. I propose you lot carefully consider my cousin Jack Davidson because he has what, inwards my view, you lot are looking for inwards a mentor.

           The kickoff argue I retrieve you lot should consider Jack is due to the fact that he is really skillful amongst people his age. He is sociable together with pop at schoolhouse which agency he has people skills that volition come upward inwards handy when dealing amongst whatever problems the telephone substitution students may live facing. His open, honest together with friendly personality ever makes people desire to live about him together with enquire for advice when they demand it.

           Another argue why I discovery he is ideal for this describe of piece of job is because he knows his way about the city, together with I don’t but hateful inwards price of location. Jack has been active inwards a break of things inwards the yesteryear 5 years, which agency that he has been a fellow member of many athletic together with artistic clubs. For instance, he is on the local amateur football game team, a fellow member of the celluloid fan club, takes fine art lessons during the calendar week together with attends photography workshops 1 time a month. Through the activities he has done, he has toured the metropolis to accept pictures, been to museums together with film theaters to run into plant of fine art together with films, together with enjoys gratis access to all the city’s major stadiums. Because of this, he tin present telephone substitution students about together with organize afternoon outings amongst them to aid them larn acquainted amongst the city. He volition undoubtedly invite some of his friends along hence telephone substitution students volition live able to brand novel friends, together with that is the top dog objective, is it not?

           In short, John Davidson is the ideal someone to aid the telephone substitution students settle inwards smoothly together with quickly. His outgoing nature together with active lifestyle volition live a non bad aid to them.

Yours sincerely,

          Justin Davidson

For to a greater extent than sample letters or essays, click on the prototype below.

The  next sample alphabetic lineament has been written hence that exam candidates for a  B B2 Sample Writing fifteen (Letter - Exchange Student Mentor Recommendation)

Useful B2-level exam posts tin live constitute here:

The  next sample alphabetic lineament has been written hence that exam candidates for a  B B2 Sample Writing fifteen (Letter - Exchange Student Mentor Recommendation)