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Naoshi Koriyama - A Loaf Of Poesy (Overview)

Naoshi Koriyama deftly equates the poetic physical care for amongst a  Naoshi Koriyama - A Loaf of Poetry (Overview)
Naoshi Koriyama deftly equates the poetic physical care for amongst a commonplace physical care for inwards his verse form "A Loaf of Poetry," proving that inwards the end, poesy is open to anyone who has the persistence, experience and inspiration to dabble inwards it. Added to this is the thought that poetry, similar a loaf of bread, is non an ornate affair similar some gastronomical preparation, but one of the primary forms of sustenance crucial to our diet.

The fascination amongst this poem, oft reprinted inwards textbooks in addition to taught to students past times way of introducing poetry to them, lies in its simplicity which conceals Koriyama's methodical approach. That, however, is what the verse form genuinely wants to indicate out: great tending and diligence to create such a slice of writing is required, no thing how minor the cease production may look to be. 

Before moving on to the overview of the poem, permit me simply stress once to a greater extent than the importance of teaching or reading poetry. For Koriyama, writing poems was a agency of escaping solitude during his studies away from Japan. All equally good often these days nosotros take away heed or read stories which reflect Koriyama's experience about individuals who endure from loneliness or isolation and experience they receive got no way of coping. If alone as children or teens such individuals had been shown the benefits of expressing their feelings through poesy or prose

With that said, let's plough to the verse form itself. Read the verse form here.

Remember to receive got a expect at these literary terminology lists: 

Literary Terminology List

Literary Terminology List 2

This get-go business office of the overview includes some biographical notes, deals amongst the poem's persona, overall construction (meter, rhyme, sounds, turning point) in addition to get-go one-half of the poem, based on my partitioning of it.

Naoshi Koriyama - A Loaf of Poetry


  • born 1926, Japanese

  • studied inwards the US

  • returned to Japan to learn in addition to write poetry

  • he began writing poesy equally a agency of overcoming the loneliness he felt during his studies inwards the US inwards the 1950’s

  • one of his college professors told him to ambit a speak close Japanese poesy in addition to after translating some twenty verses of tanka (31-syllable Japanese poetic genre) became interested inwards literature in addition to has been always since

  • in an interview, he considers “A Loaf of Poetry” to hold upwards his most successful poem 

    • the thought for the verse form came to him piece he was helping his married adult woman bake bread 


Overall Structure

  • 23 verses
  • free verse
  • narrated equally whatever 2nd business office of a recipe would be 
    • recipes normally receive got two parts to them 
      • the ingredients list 
      • the grooming method (instructions)
    • the grooming instructions are short, concise, don’t require consummate sentences: Koriyama adheres to this inwards his verse form equally well
  • no punctuation, no capitalization
  • varying meter: verses may consist of a 
    • monometer 
    • dimeter or 
    • not fifty-fifty a total meter (“with”, “and”)
  • simple, straight-forward words are used 
    • total pose out of words = 59 (excluding the poem’s title) 
    • 52 of the 59 words introduce inwards this verse form are monosyllabic 
    • 7 are polysyllabic: experience, inspiration, until, inner, again, into, oven
  • sounds 
    • no detail consonant sounds are used 
    • vowel sounds regularly include diphthongs or long vowel sounds 
      • almost every instant delineate of piece of job contains a diphthong 
      • dough, yeast, knead, pound, might, leave, out, own, shape, round, bake 
      • however, the final two lines receive got brusque sounds (no long vowel audio or diphthong is present)
    • conclusion: 
      • the long sounds/diphthongs are linked to the laborious chore of preparing bread/writing a poem 
      • once the run is done, placing it inwards the oven of your pump is a calorie-free task, thence the brusque sounds meant to hold upwards read trippingly
  • turning point of the verse form seems to hold upwards the give-and-take “until” 
    • it is positioned almost inwards the middle of the verse form serving equally a cliff-hanger to the upshot of the run pose inwards past times the poet/baker inwards the previous verses 
    • 12 lines precede the give-and-take “until” 
    • 10 lines follow it
  • figurative language used throughout to link the grooming of breadstuff amongst the physical care for of writing a poem


 Persona (speaker inwards the poem)

  • not straight introduce inwards the poem: purpose of the generic “you” rather than a to a greater extent than personal “I” 
    • this shows that Koriyama may receive got intended to include all readers inwards the writing physical care for inwards the sense that everyone is a potential poet
  • from this verse form the reader feels that the mortal speaking takes bully care in addition to pride inwards the run they do 
    • they pose a lot of encounter a uncomplicated loaf of bread: pound, purpose all their might, knead the dough again 
    • they don’t fail to include dearest in addition to their pump inwards the whole physical care for



  • can hold upwards divided into two parts (what precedes the give-and-take “until” in addition to what follows it)
    • part 1 
      • 12 lines 
      • this business office describes the work the poet/baker puts in 
      • the physical care for tin hold upwards subdivided into iii categories 
        • the verbs used 
          • mix 
          • knead 
          • pound 
          • leave 
        • the ingredients the poet/baker plant with 
          • dough 
          • yeast
        • the abstract qualities that travel into the poem/recipe 
          • experience 
          • inspiration 
          • love 
          • might
    • links are created betwixt the next concepts (because of their proximity inwards the poem) 
      • dough = experience 
      • yeast = inspiration 
      • knead amongst love 
      • pound amongst might
    • conclusion: 
      • the footing of a verse form is experience (the dough) 
      • without inspiration (the yeast), the verse form volition stay flat 
      • the poet's chore is to run (knead) the verse form amongst dearest but also grip it critically (pound) past times writing in addition to rewriting verses, forcing the ideas to larn a homogenous, integral mixture (later seen inwards the circular shape the poet gives it)

 Stay tuned for the instant one-half of this overview!


Naoshi Koriyama deftly equates the poetic physical care for amongst a  Naoshi Koriyama - A Loaf of Poetry (Overview)