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C2 Sample Testify 28 (Athletes' Motivation)

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  The theme of this essay is to elaborate on the messages that are sent to immature people when they come across that athletes' motivation has changed from winning together with breaking earth records to seeking coin together with fame.
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 The theme is similar to what candidates would await inwards whatever other C2-level exam inwards that examiners wishing to come across a well-organized, coherent together with cohesive give-and-take of the number amongst arguments together with examples written inwards simply about one-half an hour.

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 on English linguistic communication language examinations is the  same no thing the awarding trunk when it comes t C2 Sample Essay 28 (Athletes' motivation)

In the past, sporting champions used to survive motivated primarily past times the wishing to win a tally or to interruption earth records. These days, they are to a greater extent than probable to survive motivated past times prize coin together with the chance to survive famous. What messages does this ship to immature people together with how does this mental attitude to sport comport on the sports themselves? Give reasons for your answers.


Athletic events about the earth bring expire a major attraction present that assemble an enormous sum of attention. The message earth athletes sent inwards the past times was that of ‘doing your best’ or striving to create better, breaking records gear upwards past times others. This right away seems outdated together with naïve equally winners aim only to secure equally much coin equally they tin laissez passer on the sack larn or strive for publicity. The negative effects of this alter inwards mentality, peculiarly on the young, are many together with likewise comport on the sports themselves.
          If nosotros aspect at the message sent to spectators, quondam together with immature alike, it is slowly to sympathise why people these days only chase subsequently the money. Athletes who are promoted into serving equally utilisation models for younger people look to survive didactics children the fiscal value of winning, non the spiritual satisfaction of competing. Success is all that matters. The halt justifies the agency equally attempting to create something together with failing leaves 1 entirely amongst the termination of failure together with non amongst the sense of savour of a challenge 1 has faced together with fought bravely against. A mortal who does non win volition survive discouraged together with non attempt 1 time again since the desired termination --  beingness rewarded past times others -- is non achieved. You expire peachy only inwards persuasion of how others come across you, non inwards your mind’s eye.
          This inevitably has detrimental effects on athletic events themselves. Firstly, the increasing phenomenon of doping inwards all sporting competitions shows that the motto “the halt justifies the means” is devoutly followed past times major athletes who sure enough create non require chemic substances to attempt out their worth. Secondly, unhealthy rivalry betwixt athletes or fifty-fifty teams is the most obvious termination of the way sports are seen. This rivalry is transferred off-court equally well, together with hatred betwixt fans of opposing teams arises amongst the require to experience that they are on the winning side.
          All inwards all, sports has been smothered past times the reigning spirit of the times, namely greed, together with this has brought almost negative messages that hit from cheating to the utilisation of violence equally a agency to satisfy the wishing to win. Unfortunately, nosotros are a long way from the lessons taught past times the ancient Greeks, the most of import of which stressed the co-existence of a good for you lot heed inwards a good for you lot body.

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  on English linguistic communication language examinations is the  same no thing the awarding trunk when it comes t C2 Sample Essay 28 (Athletes' motivation)