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C2 Sample Assay 22 (Women's Status)

 on English linguistic communication language examinations is the  same no affair the awarding trunk when it comes t C2 Sample Essay 22 (Women's status)
Writing at C2 bird (Proficient User) on English linguistic communication language examinations is the same no affair the awarding trunk when it comes to writing essays. If yous are a candidate giving an exam inwards English, brand certainly yous read my before postal service What do I do amongst the sample writing found on this blog? to larn the most out of the sample essays provided on this blog. 

If yous are non taking an exam but demand ideas on the causes that receive got led to the modify inwards women's status over the years, too thus read on too banking venture annotation downwardly what yous deem useful. If yous intend to work this seek equally business office of an assignment, retrieve to paraphrase thus equally non to plagiarize.

The topic is like to what candidates would await inwards whatever other C2 bird exam inwards that examiners desire to meet a well-organized, coherent too cohesive give-and-take of the number amongst arguments, explanations too examples.  

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 on English linguistic communication language examinations is the  same no affair the awarding trunk when it comes t C2 Sample Essay 22 (Women's status)

The condition of women over the final centuries has changed. What are the causes of this?

Due to socio-political upheavals, technological advances too scientific breakthroughs, history has recorded a number of changes inwards the way people perceive the purpose of men too women. Women’s condition has peculiarly been on the receiving destination of such changes thus it is amongst corking pleasance that many receive got welcomed the displace towards greater liberty too acquisition of rights for women that were long overdue. The causes behind the greater liberty too increased number of rights enjoyed past times women inwards most parts of the basis tin last narrowed downwardly to two.

The kickoff determining ingredient that has enabled women to exercise greater liberty inwards their decisions is the constant battle led against legislative too conventional restrictions that limited women inwards a number of fields. Women had no correct to vote, were barred from a considerable number of jobs or were frowned upon if they were engaged inwards jobs considered the save of men. Their existence was meant to last 1 where they would back upward men inwards their duties, supply heirs, enhance their brood too meet to household tasks. Although this inwards itself is inwards no way reprehensible, it did limit those women who wanted to spread their wings too function involved inwards other sectors such equally creative writing, politics, medicine or the law, to cite a few. Women oftentimes published poesy or curt stories nether men’s names equally few publishers bothered to read manuscripts written past times women; women were officially barred from practicing medicine since the days of Henry VIII but continued to exercise what they were taught from their elders without formal teaching too past times the middle of the 19th century managed to do their ain girls-only medical schools. The argue why today these are all things of the past times is because certainly women decided to utter out too do something nearly changing the condition quo. Elizabeth Blackwell was rejected from 29 colleges before beingness admitted into medical schoolhouse too graduating inwards 1849 equally 1 of the kickoff women to receive got obtained a score inwards Medicine. Emmeline Pankhurst led the British suffragette motion inwards the slowly 19th century too paved the way for enfranchisement. Without these women, but ii examples out of many, too the battles they waged to modify things, the condition of women would non last what it is today. 

A 2nd argue for the modify inwards the condition of women over the final centuries has to do amongst the changing mentality of the times. This cannot last narrowed downwardly to specific individuals but must last seen spherically equally the fusion of historical facts too item ideologies which brought nearly change. The Age of Enlightenment established the precepts of freedom, reason, tolerance too progress which gave rising to revolutions which inwards plough produced to a greater extent than lenient societies. The thought of discontent amongst established norms was what eventually led to the corking changes inwards the way people viewed the basis too gave rising to concepts such equally individuality too otherness. The Second World War opened the doors thus that women could accept on typically manlike somebody jobs. The Sexual Revolution of the 1960’s gave women greater liberty over their bodies too enabled them to limited themselves to a greater extent than openly. Such a listing of events offset past times trending ideas which fix the wheels of modify inwards displace could function on indefinitely. The bottom delineate is that modify inwards women’s seat would non receive got last seen favorably, had a item effect inwards conjunction amongst a to a greater extent than liberal intellectualism non been introduce at a precise instant inwards time. 

All things considered, the combination of private endeavour too historical circumstance is what has granted women to a greater extent than rights too greater liberty to pursue lives too careers they would non last able to savour inwards the past. The condition of women is past times no agency what it was several centuries agone cheers to battles waged on many levels. However, the fact that a drinking glass ceiling all the same exists too that many freedoms – viewed equally touchstone inwards many countries – are unheard of inwards other parts of the world, shows nosotros all the same receive got a long way to function before nosotros tin utter nearly truthful equality. 

 on English linguistic communication language examinations is the  same no affair the awarding trunk when it comes t C2 Sample Essay 22 (Women's status)
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