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Eve Merriam - Willow As Well As Ginkgo (Overview)

speaking schools to demonstrate how similes move inwards favor of descriptions in addition to students are Eve Merriam - Willow in addition to Ginkgo (Overview)
This verse form is a classic. It is taught inwards English-speaking schools to demonstrate how similes move inwards favor of descriptions in addition to students are oft assigned to write their ain verse form which should include a position out of similes. This is an action I heartily applaud equally it introduces poesy to a younger audience, enabling every imaginative dreamer to experiment amongst new ways to limited their inventiveness in addition to inner world.

Merriam's gift is to residual her thoughts perfectly equally she weaves her argument, sweeping us amongst her objective in addition to inventive comparisons, making us intend this is a neutral, matter-of-fact exposition of 2 trees, so hitting us amongst an emotional viewpoint to pull the affair to a close.
The overview that follows covers basic aspects of the verse form to aid teachers, students or poesy buffs empathise Merriam's move to a greater extent than systematically. 

Find questions nether the "Themes" department in addition to role them equally give-and-take starters.
If you lot haven't already done so, accept a hold off at the next listing to empathise or so of the damage used inwards this overview:Literary Terminology List

Read the verse form here.

Eve Merriam - Willow in addition to Ginkgo

  • 1916 – 1992, American poet, writer


  • 5 stanzas: four quatrains, sestet (some versions receive got 6 stanzas = v quatrains in addition to a couplet)
  • development of Merriam’s argument:
    • 3 alternating couplets (2 verses) + 2 alternating stanzas of four lines each comparing the 2 trees
    • 3 couplets + 1 stanza focus on the willow
    • 3 couplets + 1 stanza focus on the gingko
    • poem’s determination (final couplet) = 1 verse on the willow, 1 on the gingko
    • poem shows fair, balanced description + argumentation of both trees
  • each time, comparisons kickoff amongst the willow in addition to halt amongst the gingko
      • this creates a stronger outcome because the gingko remains inwards readers’ minds at the end
  • poem begins amongst “The willow” exactly ends amongst “the gingko”

Rhyme scheme

  • stanza 1: abab (forced or oblique rhyme = imperfectly matching sound)
  • stanza 2: dede
  • stanza 3: ghih
  • stanza 4: jjkk
  • stanza 5: llmmnn (mm is a forced rhyme)
  • Note: verse four of the concluding stanza contains an internal rhyme: “Somehow it survives in addition to fifty-fifty thrives


  • willow verses: long sounds (diphthongs)
    • fine-lined, sky (stanza 1)
    • sleek, velvet-nosed calf (stanza 3)
    • streaming hair, grows, green, gold, fair, favorite, daughter (stanza 4)
  • gingko verses: short, unsmooth plosives (p, b, k, g, t, d); fricatives (release of air through a narrow opening = f, v, th)
    • crude sketch (stanza 1)
    • chorus, joining (stanza 2)
    • old bull, stubby rough wool  (stanza 3)
    • forces its means through gray concrete, thrust against  the metallic sky, survives in addition to even thrives
  • result of this choice of sounds:
    • willow:
      • refined, sleek, long in addition to elegant audio describes its beauty
    • gingko:
      • rough sounds created past times explosion or forcing of air current through one’s lips implies baser beauty, aggressive characteristics exactly too reminds readers of air in addition to so breathing = this tree is live through its combat to survive

Comparison (linked to the senses)

  • (eyes, art) etching: fine lines
  • (sound, music) soprano, delicate, thin: rare
  • (touch) sleek velvet-nosed calf: soft
  • (touch) silken thread branches: soft, expensive material
  • (eyes, color) nymph, streaming hair, green, gold, fair: mythical, non of this world
  • (movement) dips into the water, is protected, precious similar king’s daughter: royal

  • (eyes) unsmooth sketch, non to live signed: base, ordinary
  • (sound, music) chorus, everyone joins in: common, non extraordinary
  • (touch) leathery sometime bull: coarse, animal, aged
  • (touch) stubby, unsmooth wool branches: rough, non slender
  • (eyes, color) metropolis child, gray, metal, concrete: ordinary, existent
  • (movement) forces its means through metallic in addition to concrete: aggressive, strong-willed

Imagery (figurative linguistic communication which appeals to our senses)

  • willow:
    • classy: etching, opera singer
    • sweet: calf
    • refined: silken thread
    • magical: nymph amongst streaming hair
    • precious / noble: gold, king’s daughter
  • gingko:
    • crude, simple: sketch
    • common, mayhap uncultivated: chorus
    • rough, old: bull
    • unrefined, unprocessed: unsmooth wool
    • violent: forces, thrusts
    • unprotected, unfavored: metropolis kid growing upward inwards the street

Persona (the poem’s speaker)

  • observant
    • uses his/her senses to explicate each tree
    • notices details
  • sensitive
    • his/her eyes “feast”
    • his/her “heart goes to” the gingko
  • imaginative
    • comparisons are elaborate, creative

Conclusion / Overall Message

  • willow: beautiful to hold off at
    • touches the persona’s eyes + mind
    • satisfies his/her feel of beauty
  • gingko:
    • has grapheme (touches the persona’s heart)
  • all beautiful things receive got their charm, exactly non to a greater extent than than that
  • some things receive got
    • a privileged upbringing
    • an environs that protected them in addition to favored their increment
    • been endowed amongst the gift of beauty
  • other things receive got had it rough
    • their existence, though non outwardly exceptional, shows greater character
    • these things receive got the same if non greater value than other privileged creatures

  • beauty
    • what is beautiful?
    • is beauty important? 
  • appearance vs. inner self (personality)
    • does 1 accept precedence over the other?
    • why create nosotros house so much importance on appearance inwards our days?
  • survival
    • how rigid an instinct is our instinct to survive?
    • is survival linked to grapheme building? 
  • character 
    • what defines who nosotros are?
    • how is grapheme built? 
    • what factors decide our character?


speaking schools to demonstrate how similes move inwards favor of descriptions in addition to students are Eve Merriam - Willow in addition to Ginkgo (Overview)