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Ray Bradbury - The Utterly Perfect Murder (Overview)

Murder volition out. It ever will.

Well, non quite inwards the agency nosotros anticipate it volition inwards this storey past times Ray Bradbury. 

Taught inwards schools at a somewhat before historic stream than expected, it is a tale of revenge, self-loathing as well as reconciliation you'd banking company on adults to fathom to its fullest extent. However, it's never to early on to brand immature adults aware that their actions tempt fate, as well as fate is never sort to those who snub it.

When a 48-year-old human comes upwards amongst the insane thought on his birthday to furnish to his hometown as well as kill his so-called friend of 36 years ago, y'all expression the brusque narrative that ensues to live on insanely interesting. 

Bradbury doesn't disappoint, every bit his fans volition tell you. 

The messages readers extrapolate from this brusque storey are every bit many every bit the themes rattling few imagine are discussed after a brief start reading. I, myself, sat amazed when I set pen downward to newspaper as well as started decoding it. Even though I had read the storey several times, I'd never imagined the number of unlike angles Bradbury chose to laid on his topic would live on that great. It was exclusively made obvious after to a greater extent than careful scrutiny.

Which is why this storey is ideal for flat discussion. As amongst all the other overviews of stories posted on this blog, teachers tin john offering the notes that follow inwards a briefer format of their liking, thus allowing students to fill upwards inwards the gaps amongst their ain personal notes, or every bit such which would encompass students' agreement as well as acquaint them amongst a prissy summary of commutation points to live on aware of for assignments or exams. 

For y'all brusque storey buffs, the notes mightiness live on of piece of occupation at your mass clubs! Feel gratuitous to concord or disagree amongst my interpretation.

If y'all don't already receive got a copy, y'all tin john abide by as well as read the storey here nether its championship (Word document).

Ray Bradbury – The Utterly Perfect Murder


  • 1920 – 2012, American, author, screenwriter
  • wrote scientific discipline fiction, horror, fantasy, mystery brusque stories as well as novels
  • best known for Fahrenheit 451
  • son of Swedish immigrant mother, Esther, as well as Leonard Spaulding Bradbury
  • his middle call is Douglas [Note the original character's call is Doug Spaulding!]
  • his hometown Waukegan (Illinois) was used inwards his stories but renamed Green Town


  • story starts inwards the 1960’s, Midwestern the States (reaches Kansas the 2nd dark of travel), October
  • flashback takes us dorsum to the Great Depression (therefore, circa 1930’s)
  • train ride over several days to learn to Green Town inwards the afternoon
  • Park Street at 8 pm, exterior Ralph Underhill’s house


  • 48-year-old Doug Spaulding decides to furnish to his hometown, Green Town, to kill Ralph Underhill who, 36 years before had been mean value to him
  • he rides the prepare across states to learn to Ralph’s house
  • during the ride he lists all the reasons he wants to kill him (see ‘Reasons for Killing Ralph’ farther down)
  • he arrives inwards Green Town as well as sits inwards the courthouse foursquare until dark, walks to Ralph’s house, places a pistol inwards his coat pocket, rings doorbell
  • Ralph appears at the door, aged, balding, haggard
  • he asks Doug if he is inwards fact Doug
  • Doug doesn’t reply, but whispers “Bang” 6 times as well as leaves every bit Ralph shouts after him, demanding he tell him whether he’s Doug

Reasons for wanting to kill Ralph

  • all mentioned every bit flashbacks / memories
  • 1st reason:
    • being hitting past times Ralph: “My scars were the emblem as well as symbol of our love.”
  • 2nd reason:
    • spring, Ralph knocked Doug downward inwards the snowfall + mud at school; Doug was wearing a novel tweed knicker suit
    • Doug was afraid he would learn a beating every bit shortly every bit he arrived home
  • 3rd reason:
    • Doug wanted toy clay Tarzan statues (from his favorite radio show) which damage 25 cents
    • Ralph asks Doug to merchandise a statue for Doug’s 2-dollar catcher’s mitt his older blood brother had given him
    • when Doug’s blood brother finds out Doug gave his mitt, he calls Doug a sap as well as ditches him during a hike out inwards farm country, vows to never give Doug anything ever again
    • Doug is lost, lies downward inwards the middle of the road, cries, wanting to die
    • “… I exactly lay downward as well as wept as well as wanted to decease but didn’t know how to surrender the finally vomit that was my poor ghost.”
  • 4th reason:
    • (this retentiveness is described every bit if Doug is talking to himself every bit an outsider à uses “you” when talking nearly himself)
    • Doug would ever run to throw gravel upwards at Ralph’s window to telephone band him out on special days (Fourth of July, when circuses arrived)
    • Ralph never came ane time to expression for him at his house
    • Doug tested friendship past times non going to Ralph’s theatre for a calendar week à no ane came looking for him or asked at schoolhouse why he hadn’t come upwards over
    • Doug felt dead to the world: “It was every bit if y'all had died as well as no ane came to your funeral.”

Turning point

  • “I saw Ralph Underhill. I saw him clearly.”
  • Doug’s epiphany: (reasons why Doug doesn’t shoot Ralph)
    • “[Ralph] had traveled inwards roughly sunless land.”
    • he also had lived amongst his demons for years, as well as inwards the goal they also had ravaged his soul similar Doug’s hurting had gnawed away at his
    • the truth = “To encounter Ralph Underhill every bit he is inwards this hour.”
    • realized that one-half of Ralph’s life had collapsed after Doug had left ( a cracking needs somebody to vanquish up)
    • realized that Ralph had already been visited past times Time, historic stream as well as modest deaths that had done Doug’s piece of occupation for him
    • Ralph’s ‘murder’ is fifty-fifty to a greater extent than painful because Ralph is left to wonder for the ease of his life whether it was Doug at the door
      • Doug understood that bullies thrive on attending & presence of others to serve their needs
      • by walking away as well as ignoring Ralph’s questions, Doug is ‘killing’ Ralph’s demand for attention
  • Note: Doug’s epiphany is made possible past times the prepare that brought him similar “a mechanical Greek Fate” to realize the truth

“The Murder”

  • threefold murder
    • says “Bang” 6 times, every bit if he’s unloading a six-shot revolver
    • worse killing is that he tells Ralph he’s dead: “You’re dead. Oh, God, Ralph, you’re dead.”
      • this is roughly other phrase that shows Doug’s realization of the truth = his stupor at seeing Ralph dead inwards this way,  puts him off truly shooting Ralph
    • final deed is that he refuses to respond to Ralph’s questions: Doug does what Ralph had done to him 36 years agone à he vanishes from Ralph’s life exactly similar Ralph was never at that spot for him (never appeared at his doorstep, never called him out to play)

  • Note: decease inwards the storey is also Doug’s death
    • death of Doug senior = bitter Doug, angry, self-loathing, self-pitying Doug
    • symbolic deed of going to his one-time theatre at the goal of the story: tosses gravel + calls his call
    • “I called me downward inwards friendship to play inwards roughly long summertime that no longer was.”
    • Doug realizes that he exclusively needed to befriend himself more: all these years, he hadn’t been at ease amongst himself, but had been looking for external causes for his misery/self-loathing
    • reasons for Doug’s credence of Ralph’s horrid deportment towards him was Doug’s lack of self-confidence: people demand to experience expert nearly themselves as well as so every bit to non demand to live on inwards the fellowship of others who don’t appreciate them
      • Doug’s fault was that he accepted a province of affairs because of his demand for companionship/friendship
      • instead of walking away from Ralph’s mistreatment as well as waiting until someone to a greater extent than worthy would come upwards along to live on his friend, he stuck it out amongst Ralph, feeling poor nearly himself for beingness such a “sap”, every bit his blood brother had pointed out to him


  • Doug Spaulding
    • 48 years old, married, has children
    • full of “hideous self-contempt”, “an one-time as well as tired self-devouring spirit”
    • unsure of himself until his one-time self catches upwards amongst his novel self (the self from the past times amongst the self from his present)
    • traumatized: memories haven’t left him after all these years
      • his experiences every bit a man child (which he lists every bit the reasons for wanting to kill Ralph) growth inwards severity: he is left
        • afraid: personal thought which tin john live on hidden from the world
        • weeping: world demo of thought (embarrassing for a boy)
        • dead to the world: devoid of existence
    • did receive got roughly expert moments amongst Ralph
      • firecracker burn downward marks on the sidewalk exterior Ralph’s theatre when he as well as Doug “had exactly blown upwards the whole damned world, shrieking celebrations”
    • is a normal boy:
      • wants attention, friendship, reciprocation of feelings
      • naïve / prone to deed on impulse non logic (gets upwards ane 24-hour interval as well as decides to go kill Ralph; Tarzan statue incident)
    • analytical: thoughts during the prepare journey
    • human: vengeful, bitter, merciful, mean value + loving at the same fourth dimension

  • Ralph Underhill
    • same historic stream every bit Doug but looks 60-65 years old
    • 5 ft 2
    • has lost most of his pilus (the residue of which is grey, black, white)
    • pale
    • his breath smells similar funeral flowers
    • frail voice
    • was sly, self-centered
    • his haggard looks are maybe the number of his non having forgotten Doug all these years either
    • all the bad things he had done may receive got weighed on his conscience

  • NOTE: Doug as well as Ralph are non that unlike from ane another
    • both recollect each other (even though Ralph isn’t 100% for sure it’s Doug, his heed straight off thought of him when he saw him)
    • each is left amongst a bitter aftertaste these past times 36 years: Doug feels anger + self-loathing; Ralph feels bad nearly himself (his appearance is testimony to this fact)

  • stock characters
    • Doug’s older brother
    • Doug’s wife

Point of View

  • first somebody narrator
  • this helps the reader position amongst Doug as well as forces them to expression dorsum at their ain childhood experiences
  • suspense is heightened
    • a “murder” is witnessed past times readers first-hand (from the “murderer’s” betoken of view)
    • readers receive got fourth dimension to digest motives behind this “murder”
    • readers justify Doug’s demand to murder Ralph
    • readers are forced to think nearly why Doug is magnanimous inwards the goal as well as doesn’t kill Ralph
    • readers who are attracted to the thought that Doug volition learn judge ane time he kills his one-time friend, realize they are false inwards thinking this when they similar Doug realize they should never choose someone else’s life/fate into their ain hands


  • pistol / “Bang”
    • the pistol is metaphorically speaking a “loaded gun” (like inwards the sense of a “loaded question”)
    • words speak louder than actions (in this case, a teasing “Bang” is exactly every bit deadly for Ralph every bit a bullet)
    • Doug has killed Ralph past times the goal of the storey but non inwards the agency he imagines
      • Ralph was piece of cake dying all these years through the memories he’s had / remorse he must receive got felt  (as seen through his appearance)
      • other factors affecting this deadening decease = relationships Ralph must receive got had every bit an adult (his mean value personality may receive got damage him dearly inwards subsequently life; who would desire to live on friends amongst Ralph?)

  • Green Town
    • typically acknowledged every bit Bradbury’s hometown, Waukegan, inwards his early on stories
    • green
      • youth, unripeness
      • place of innocence, lack of worldly noesis (Doug was also immature to sympathize conniving deportment as well as strike dorsum at all those who harmed him; this mightiness explicate why he sought Ralph’s fellowship fifty-fifty though Ralph hitting as well as ridiculed him)
      • linked to Tarzan statues
        • “ … the audio of the Ape human swinging through dark-green jungles far away, ululating!”
        • Doug’s love of the Tarzan radio demo as well as the figurines is connected to his longing for escape
        • green jungles = primitive, pristine environment; human living simply, without complications
        • instincts + primitive nature of human aren’t based on cruelty, but self-preservation: Doug innately longs for a ground where people deed according to uncomplicated instincts (friendship, playfulness)

  • courthouse
    • symbol of justice
    • Doug sits exterior it amongst “dogs as well as one-time men” waiting for it to learn dark to walk to Ralph’s house
    • he lets fourth dimension go past times inwards monastic say to bask Ralph’s imminent death
    • what Doug doesn’t know, however, is that judge has already been served
    • irony: sitting inwards front end of the courthouse as well as pondering murder


  • “wounds of the past times come upwards to haunt us” / the ability of memories
    • it is how nosotros bargain amongst our wounds that determines us as well as our future
    • we must detach ourselves from our past times as well as motility forward, otherwise nosotros don’t alive a life inwards the hither as well as now, but a ghost of a life

  • friendship / bullying:
    • is at that spot ever a human relationship of ability at the pump of every friendship?
    • story shows that the ground of friendship is a dependence on ane somebody confirming / substantiating roughly other person’s existence: “We honey fine friends needed each other. I to live on hit. He to strike.”
    • message Bradbury mightiness desire to express: go friends amongst yourself, halt bullying yourself / putting yourself downward all the fourth dimension inwards monastic say to start living

  • murder
    • reasons ane mightiness consider killing roughly other human beingness are examined
    • question asked = is murder ever justifiable?
    • other factors convey nearly justice, non violence

  • self-acceptance
    • Doug’s finally moments inwards Green Town = symbiosis of immature as well as older Doug
    • “I called my ain name. I called me downward inwards friendship to play inwards roughly long summertime that no longer was.”
    • symbiosis is complete: “… we ran out of Green Town …”
    • old Doug + present-day Doug tin john alive harmoniously inwards the hither + at nowadays rather than inwards the past
    • this great alter is brought nearly past times time:
      • new, whole Doug  leaves Green Town, fleeing “ahead of the dawn”
      • he leaves fourth dimension behind to chase after him rather than he chasing after it (which is what he did all these years)

  • fate
    • train is referred to every bit “a mechanical Greek Fate” that sent Doug to mete out judge
    • fate is what makes Ralph what he has go (old, balding) as well as what makes Doug walk away without truly shooting Ralph
    • fate is what brings judge to the world

  • justice
    • story shows that people cannot ever brand things correct the agency they think they can
    • courthouses are built, but ultimately it is non ever upwards to us to create upwards one's heed what is correct as well as incorrect nearly other people
    • life has a agency of bringing things circular total circle; our actions would botch everything

  • childhood
    • Bradbury examines the needs of children at that historic stream (friendship, escape, fun, adventure)
    • readers are made to apply Doug’s experience to their ain lives as well as live on to a greater extent than sensitive towards others (peers, their ain children, etc.)


  • Fates (Greek Moirai)
    • 3 women responsible for the thread of life of every living being
    • Clotho: spun the thread of life
    • Lachesis: measured how long each person’s thread of life would live on
    • Atropos: cutter of the thread of life

  • Furies (Greek Erynies)
    • goddesses of vengeance
    • typically described every bit iii sisters who hounded wrongdoers
      • Alecto punished moral crimes
      • Megaera punished infidelity, oath breakers, as well as theft
      • Tisiphone punished murderers

  • Ahab:
    • captain from Herman Melville’s Moby Dick
    • obsessed amongst getting revenge (killing a white whale that had bitten his leg off)


  • title makes readers desire to read on
  • during the prepare ride, Doug explains why this murder is as well as so perfect
    • no ane volition suspect a 12-year-old man child would come upwards dorsum after 36 years to kill someone
  • “How would anyone dare to say, finding Ralph Underhill’s trunk on his doorstep, that a man child aged twelve, arriving on a sort of Time Machine train, traveled out of hideous self-contempt, had gunned downward the Past? It was beyond all reason. I was security inwards my pure insanity.”
  • at the start of the story, nosotros mightiness think nosotros are faced amongst an unreliable narrator who is non exclusively a potential murderer, but also insane (cf. Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell –Tale Heart”): this also heightens readers’ curiosity


  • short sentences (especially after Doug arrives inwards Green Town) as well as paragraphs:
    • creates greater suspense
    • quickens footstep of the story

  • intermittent questions Doug asks himself
    • description of scenes intermingled amongst dialogue (Doug amongst himself): leaves out long descriptive narration as well as gets to the point

 non quite inwards the agency nosotros anticipate it volition inwards this storey past times Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury - The Utterly Perfect Murder (Overview)