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Essay Topics Listing 3

The next are topics teachers together with students tin role to exercise writing for exams, equally homework assignments, longer enquiry projects, fifty-fifty equally give-and-take topics or debates.

This listing is intended for high schoolhouse or academy students, but may also hold upwards used past times adults who are learning English equally a unusual language. 

For those preparing to take an English linguistic communication examination (IELTS, CPE, ECPE, ESB, LRN, MSU-CELP, TOEFL, etc.), these are typical questions that may hold upwards found in C1 together with C2-level assessments (advanced or proficiency level).

For to a greater extent than practice, uncovering lists 1 together with two here and here

You might too uncovering the next post useful:

Writing Formally - Quick Checklist of Do's together with Don'ts

This spider web log too contains many sample essays on other topics. First brand certain y'all know how to role these essays (read What produce I produce with the sample writing establish on this blog?) then scroll downwards the writing section for either advanced or upper-intermediate answers to questions, equally good equally writing tips.



1) We are becoming increasingly theme on computers. Is this dependence a expert affair or should nosotros hold upwards to a greater extent than suspicious of their benefits?

2) Private cars are no longer the well-nigh efficient or desirable cast of transport. Discuss.

3) A conflict of values betwixt the sometime together with the immature is inevitable. Discuss.

4) “Spare the rod together with spoil the child.” What are your views on physical penalization inwards the upbringing of children?

5) Is tourism inwards the globe today beneficial or harmful? Discuss.

6) Money spent on military machine forces would hold upwards improve spent on the problems of hunger, homelessness together with disease. Discuss.

7) “Children accept never had it thus good.” Discuss.

8) While studying abroad provides an chance to broaden one’s experience, it too presents the danger of negative influences from the host culture. Discuss.

9) Should wealthy nations hold upwards required to percentage their wealth alongside poorer nations past times providing such things equally nutrient together with education? Or is it the responsibleness of the governments of poorer nations to await afterward their citizens themselves?

10) News editors create upwards one's hear what to broadcast on television receiver together with what to impress inwards newspapers. What factors produce y'all intend influence these decisions? Are these decisions wise ones?

11) The thought of having a unmarried career is becoming an old-fashioned one. The novel fashion volition hold upwards to accept several careers or ways of earning coin together with farther educational activity volition hold upwards something that continues throughout life. Discuss.

12) Everyday life is no longer possible without computers. Discuss.