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Ecpe Speaking Examination (Stage 2): Bullet Betoken Starters

The next information tin displace live used past times whatever examine taker, non entirely ECPE candidates. 

Taking a C2-level oral examine is never easy. Apart from the commons stress due to lack of fourth dimension allowed for reflection, uneasiness amongst regard to face-to-face contact as well as fearfulness of making mistakes that volition Pb to failure, at that topographic point is too the number of ideas. Candidates ofttimes query whether on the actual hateful solar daytime of their exam they volition live clearheaded as well as creative plenty to conduct keep something to say.

Not all people are made to respond quickly. This may audio similar a prejudicial statement, but sense has shown that people don't brand the same connections others do when they hear a intelligence spoken. And I say again, this is non prejudicial because it doesn't imply that someone who isn't quick to respond is slow-witted. No, it merely agency that dissimilar people conduct keep dissimilar processes unfolding inwards their minds every 2d they stand upwards breathing inwards front end of you, so it is natural that piece i person's processes accept them downward a to a greater extent than straight path towards an answer, some other somebody processes information inwards a dissimilar way which may offering to a greater extent than options that require farther processing rather than a clear straight response.

It is thence imperative that candidates taking an oral examine at Proficiency score live prepared as well as train how to respond to questions quickly. This, similar whatever other skill, requires frequent practice: the to a greater extent than query types y'all cover, the amend prepared y'all volition live for the hateful solar daytime of your exam.

So much for the full general preamble. Now for specifics. 

For the Michigan ECPE (Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency inwards English) Speaking component, which may seem i of the most grueling oral examinations inwards English linguistic communication because it lasts 25-35 minutes, Stages 2 through v involve give-and-take on a specific task. This task is handed out to the 2 (sometimes three) candidates taking the examine on a canvas of paper, amongst each candidate receiving 2 dissimilar options each. Stage 2 inwards particular is a descriptive stage, where candidates are supposed to summarize information on the 2 options that look on their newspaper every bit brief bullet points. 

The aim of this phase is to summarize the information to your partner inwards a clear way without stating the points mentioned on the newspaper intelligence for word. You cannot add together your ain sentiment nearly these bullet points as well as cannot expand on them yet, every bit that volition live the aim of the Stage 3.

So, what is at that topographic point left to do? If y'all can't merely read out the newspaper inwards front end of you, as well as y'all demand to give facts only, your summary is going to live an objective, accurate description. See it every bit a report, as well as what is the aim of reports? To explicate as well as highlight of import points inwards a clear as well as gradual way.

In other words, candidates should live aiming for division and succession of ideas at this stage.

When the examiner gives y'all your newspaper amongst your task as well as y'all are allowed some fourth dimension to read through it as well as brand a few notes, y'all should follow these steps:

1) Group similar points together nether a category.

2) Find synonyms for primal words that look inwards each bullet betoken as well as write them down.

3) Change nouns to verbs, verbs to nouns, add together adjectives as well as adverbs where possible as well as write those downward every bit well.

Let's await at an example:

Let's say for the purposes of the Speaking examine y'all as well as your speaking partner are pretending to live English linguistic communication teachers inwards a schoolhouse where lessons are held inwards a linguistic communication other than English, as well as conduct keep been assigned the task of choosing the best linguistic communication schoolhouse inwards the U.S. to send your students to for a two-week summer course. You both conduct keep received the names as well as some basic information for four dissimilar linguistic communication schools (2 for each candidate) as well as conduct keep been told past times the examiner to clit each of your 2 options to your colleague.

This is the information from i option: 

St. Andrew’s School

  •  excellent teaching staff (more than v years’ experience)
  • large library
  • books included inwards price
  • located inwards oculus of metropolis (population: ± 1 million)
  • activities afterward lessons available
  • expensive

A possible reply a candidate could give to clit the schoolhouse would be:

My outset selection is St. Andrew's School. It has real skillful teachers who conduct keep to a greater extent than than v years' sense teaching English linguistic communication every bit good every bit a large library students tin displace use.The coin the students would conduct keep to pay to acquire to this schoolhouse includes the books. In improver to this, the schoolhouse is located inwards the oculus of a large metropolis that has nearly i 1000000 people as well as at that topographic point are activities available i time lessons are done, for the students to do. Nevertheless, at that topographic point is a negative thing nearly this schoolhouse as well as that is that it is real expensive to acquire to.
Although this reply is grammatically satisfactory, it is non something an examiner would discovery worthy of Proficiency level. There is no particular vocabulary arrive at as well as the grammer is basic. Worst of all, however, the information is stated inwards a way that wouldn't facilitate the listener (the candidate's colleague, inwards this case) because i thing which is ofttimes forgotten is that a candidate has to clit so that their partner tin displace empathise as well as accept downward notes at the same time. In other words, y'all are non giving the exam to verbalize past times yourself but must think nearly your partner's mightiness to comprehend.

How tin displace this description be improved? A amend reply would include the next steps:
  • first organize similar points or points y'all tin displace grouping nether a full general category
  • then recollect of the full general category yell y'all could utilisation to clit what it is you're nearly to say earlier y'all say it
  • think of linking words as well as phrases to displace from i betoken to the next
  • jot downward amend vocabulary words to include every bit y'all clit each point
So what does this hateful inwards practical terms?

During preparation, a candidate could note downward the next things:

St. Andrew’s School

  • excellent teaching staff (more than v years’ experience)
  • large library
  • books included inwards price
  • located inwards oculus of metropolis (population: ± 1 million)
  • activities afterward lessons available
  • expensive

2) faculty / qualifications: outstanding, skilled
   3) facilities
   5) cost
  1) location, densely  populated

   4) extra-curricular activities
   6) cost, disadvantage/ drawback




The numbers earlier each banking company complaint demo the lodge which the candidate plans to follow.

The better summary would thence live something similar this:
My outset option, to laid out with, is St. Andrew's School, which is located inwards the oculus of a densely populated metropolis of to a greater extent than or less i 1000000 inhabitants. That's the outset piece of information nosotros conduct keep nearly this school.
 Another positive betoken concerns the faculty as well as to a greater extent than specifically their qualifications. Although their educational score isn't mentioned, I do know that the teachers employed by this schoolhouse are experienced teachers, amongst over v years' teaching experience.
 A third advantage about this schoolhouse has to do amongst its facilities. To live to a greater extent than precise, this schoolhouse has a sizeable library at students' disposal.

One more thing nosotros should accept into trouble concern human relationship when making our determination is what our students volition live able to do when they aren't attending lessons. Well, the schoolhouse offers extra-curricular activities i time lessons are done.

A lastly thing I should advert is that the books the students volition demand to conduct keep for the course of study are already included inwards the total cost. However, as well as this lastly betoken brings me to the drawback this selection has, this school is expensive, so if nosotros were to acquire for this option, it would be a pricey one.
This reply presents facts inwards a mode which makes it easier for a candidate who cannot read their speaking partner's canvas empathise as well as conduct keep a to a greater extent than organized moving painting of this option. Certain points Pb inwards to a greater extent than naturally to the side past times side ones as well as fourth dimension is given for the candidate listening to your description to accept notes every bit well. Finally, the mode of transforming the bullet points into fuller statements, amongst links inwards betwixt as well as introductory sentences earlier stating the actual betoken y'all desire to make, creates a much smoother description an examiner would consider proficient.

The next listing contains 8 categories nether which most tasks would autumn every bit good every bit primal words y'all could utilisation to create a judgement merely earlier y'all solid soil a bullet point. 

For example, the tasks given to candidates could live a projection their students demand to bear out, or a edifice they are going to visit, or a somebody candidates should respect a prize to. Under each of these categories, the bullet points that look on a candidate's canvas commonly include points connected to the primal words listed below (i.e. the cost of the project, the equipment needed to bear out the project, the location as well as engagement of the project, etc.).

Use them to innovate points as well as brand your Stage 2 description to a greater extent than organized as well as easier to follow.

ECPE Speaking topics as well as primal points

  • Projects 
      • cost / salary 
      • place held 
      • date to live held 
      • frequency 
      • what is involved 
      • positive points 
      • target (audience) 
      • equipment needed 
      • meals (provided or not) 

  • Location

    a. concord an trial (venue)
    b. to visit
    c. to construct sth

      • size 
      • capacity 
      • population 
      • weather 
      • important sights 
      • infrastructure (transportation system) 
      • amenities (heating, pool, conference rooms, etc.) 
      • cost 
      • what is inwards the vicinity 
      • activities available there 
      • cuisine 
      • accessibility (airport, train, bus, car) 
      • history as well as culture 
      • special features

  • Person

    a. award them (promotion)
    b. for a job
    c. for a scholarship 
      • skills (job-related)
      • qualities & personality traits
      • appearance
      • qualifications (education, certificates)
      • interests
      • achievements
      • previous or electrical flow experience

  • Media (best way to promote sth) 

    • description (what is involved) 
    • medium used (on TV, on the radio, inwards the press, flyers/leaflets) 
    • frequency 
    • target audience 
    • cost 
    • positive points 

  • New Course or Specific Book for a Course (proposal) 
    • plot / discipline matter 
    • cost 
    • equipment needed 
    • target audience 
    • length / frequency 
    • qualified staff availability 
    • outcome of course of study / what volition students acquire from this course of study / book 
    • prerequisites (students must conduct keep certainly score of English/ must know how to play an instrument…)

  • New Sport (see "New Course")

  • New Products 
    • description (what sort of production it is) 
    • cost 
    • delivery/shipping 
    • target group 
    • properties / description of product 
    • requirements (must live stored inwards cool temperatures; must conduct keep extra infinite inwards store, etc.) 
    • raise awareness for cause, volition increase profits, etc.)

  • Design (new Town Hall, library, etc.) 
    • architectural style 
    • materials used 
    • cost 
    • designer’s details & credentials 
    • conveniences 
    • special features (security system, unique object present, café present, wireless connection, etc.) 
    • target group 
    • opinion of populace

Blog posts volition follow that volition give specific examples of Speaking tasks candidates could live given as well as sample answers for Stage 2 descriptions using the listing to a higher house to aid formulate a amend response.