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Grammar: Inversion

Please read the kickoff 2 paragraphs from Grammar: The Subjunctive past times way of introduction to this serial of weblog posts regarding grammar.

Inversion is yet another grammatical construction that shows a to a greater extent than advanced noesis of the English linguistic communication language. It usually appears inward grammer textbooks the twelvemonth earlier in addition to during which a candidate is laid to sit down a B2-level exam (IELTS 5.5-6.5, FCE, ECCE, MSU-CELC, ESB, LRN) but more frequently than non is non really good grasped past times students, making it a rarely tested detail at this level. 

If candidates are probable to run into a unmarried enquiry which tests inversion on a B2 test, pregnant that they are non expected to direct maintain mastered it, they are most for sure expected to direct maintain learnt it good plenty at C2 flat to non exclusively recognize it inward a sentence, but role it every bit good inward both the oral element of the show in addition to every bit component division of whatever writing occupation they are required to produce.

What is Inversion?

Inversion is exactly a switch inward give-and-take lodge inward a judgement of plain of report in addition to verb when it is preceded past times sure words. Like the subjunctive, students demand to larn these words or phrases that innovate this grammatical construct.

never (before)
hardly (ever) ...
scarcely ... when
so / such
to such a degree
at no time
no sooner ... than

in no way
under no circumstances
on no account
by no means
under no condition
no longer
not (even) once
not exclusively … (but also)
neither / nor
only inward this way
only then
Inversion inward the principal clause
only after
only later
only by
only if
only inward this way
only when
only then 
not until

How is it formed?

When nosotros direct maintain inversion, the plain of report in addition to verb are switched around, in addition to so the verb comes earlier the subject. 

When a judgement has a helping verb (auxiliary verb), that helping verb switches places amongst the subject.

When a judgement has exclusively i principal verb, a helping verb is added in addition to placed inward forepart of the subject. The principal verb in addition to so follows that subject. This agency that if the principal verb would usually direct maintain been inward the nowadays unproblematic tense, yous demand to insert "do" or "does". If the principal verb would direct maintain been inward the unproblematic past times tense, in addition to so "did" is inserted.

In sure cases, a judgement is split upward into 2 parts: the principal clause in addition to the subsidiary clause, or the principal judgement yous desire to limited every bit good every bit minor, secondary phrase which yous add together to the principal sentence.

The words in addition to phrases inward the tabular array inward a higher identify inward the kickoff in addition to instant columns innovate inversion forthwith after, piece the ones inward the right-hand column arrive at subsidiary clauses in addition to inversion thus occurs inward the principal clause.

Let's consider what this agency inward practice.

Inversion words are inward blue
Verbs are underlined
Subjects are inward bold

Immediate inversion

inversion word/phrase  + verb  + subject  (+ balance of the sentence)


inversion give-and-take / phrase  +  helping verb  +  subject  +  principal verb   (+ balance of the sentence)
  • Never before had I seen such a wonderful landscape. 
(Past Perfect Simple tense. The helping verb "had" in addition to the plain of report "I" switch places.)

  • Rarely are these rules adhered to inward this region. 
(Present Simple amongst the verb "to be" inward the plural because of the plural plain of report "these rules" that follows. The verb "to be" doesn't accept a helping verb, so nosotros switch it straight amongst the subject)

  • Scarcely did she walk into the room when everyone stopped talking. 
(Past Simple is used to limited a past times finished action, so the helping verb "did" is added inward forepart of the plain of report "she")

  • No sooner does she walk into the room than everyone stops talking.
(Present Simple, tertiary somebody used because nosotros are expressing a habitual situation: "does" is placed earlier "she") 

  • Under no circumstances is he allowed to piece of work inward the edifice without a pass.
(Present Simple amongst "to be" i time again but inward tertiary somebody singular this time. No helping verb is needed because nosotros are dealing amongst the verb "to be" i time more) 

  • Not only have they been lying to you, but they've been spreading rumors blackening your skillful cite every bit well.
(Present Perfect Continuous tense used, amongst "have" every bit helping verb to the plain of report "they")

Inversion inward the principal clause

inversion word/phrase  + subject  + verb (+ balance of subsidiary clause), verb  + subject  (+ balance of principal clause)


inversion word/phrase  + subject  + verb (+ balance of subsidiary clause), helping verb  + subject  + principal verb (+ balance of principal clause)

  • Only after he had picked upward the papers he needed from the office, did he drive to schoolhouse to consider his kids perform at the pageant.
The principal clause is "He drove to schoolhouse to consider his kids perform at the pageant." The subsidiary clause, ie. the kickoff component division of the sentence, introduces a previous activity that needed to live fulfilled earlier he could give-up the ghost to consider his kids' performance. We direct maintain a past times perfect unproblematic inward the kickoff component division of this judgement (because that is the past times activity that happened kickoff earlier the human being drove to school) without inversion. 

  •  Only past times winning the jibe will we prove to them that we're better.
The principal clause is "We volition show to them that we're better." The plain of report "we" in addition to helping verb "will" are inverted. 

  •  Not until they had seen the results did they phone their parents.

Tip for Exam Takers

Whether it's the IELTS or whatever B2 or C2 exam you've signed upward to take, brand sure to larn i phrase to role amongst inversion correctly inward the writing in addition to speaking components. The i that fits best inward all situations, inward my opinion, is "not exclusively ... but" due to the fact that it adds a novel chip of information similar "also" or "in addition" would. The departure amongst "not only" is that it combines the novel slice of information to a previous one, joining your 2 sentences into i in addition to making it slightly to a greater extent than complex, which is better.

Instead of:
First of all, the schoolhouse needs to upgrade its estimator facilities. In improver to this, the library requires novel books in addition to journals.
You do a to a greater extent than complicated sentence:
The schoolhouse needs not exclusively to upgrade its estimator facilities, but acquire novel books in addition to journals for the library.
As yous tin see, amongst inversion brusque in addition to choppy sentences that audio nearly robotic give-up the ghost to a greater extent than concise in addition to time period better stylistically. For this reason, examiners volition abide by points for conciseness, the role of diverse techniques to connect ideas, in addition to your endeavour to employ to a greater extent than advanced judgement structures.

Other cases of inversion

a) inverted conditionals 

  • Should you see her earlier I do, give her my regards. (Type 1 Conditional)
  • Were they inward your shoes, they'd human activity immediately. (Type 2 Conditional)
  • Had we known yous were coming, nosotros would direct maintain prepared our homemade specialty. (Type iii Conditional)

b) nor, neither, so

  • I didn't give-up the ghost to the political party in addition to neither did Jessica.
  • "I don't savour the theatre at all." - "Nor do I!"
  • My best friend ran inward the marathon concluding Sabbatum in addition to so did his cousin.

c) as

  • George loves to read mystery stories as does his blood brother Mike.
  • There is evidence that the defendant bullied the victim every bit vigorously as did other classmates.

d) adverbs of identify / fourth dimension + to live / verb of motility (stand, sit, come)

  • Here is where the trunk was found.
  • Last year was when schools were shut downwardly due to severe weather condition conditions.
  • Opposite our draw of piece of work solid stood a statue of immense beauty.
  • Then, all of a sudden, there came a storm, the strength of which took everyone past times surprise.

e) so + describing word + live ... that 

  • So severe was the thunderstorm that several trees were uprooted.
f)  such + live ... that
  • Such is the dry ground of affairs that naught tin live done. 

If yous direct maintain whatever questions, add together them inward the comment box below.

Don't forget to check out the listing of grammer points you demand to live familiar amongst before taking a B2-level test in addition to a C2-level test.

Find to a greater extent than grammer help here. 

Please read the kickoff 2 paragraphs from  Grammar: Inversion