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Grammar: Used To, Last Used To, Cash Inwards One's Chips Used To

Please read the commencement 2 paragraphs from Grammar: The Subjunctive past times way of introduction to this serial of weblog posts regarding grammar.

Isn't it dainty when a linguistic communication has a grammatical unit of measurement that's piece of cake in addition to straightforward to understand? This is the illustration amongst these 3 normally confused phrases (making 1 wonder why they are normally confused amid ESL learners to start with).

"Used to", "be used to" in addition to "get used to" are concepts that should live mastered at B2 level, in addition to then if you lot are planning on taking an English linguistic communication examine at that degree (ECCE, LRN, ESB, MSU-CELC, FCE, or fifty-fifty IELTS), you lot bespeak to clarify the divergence betwixt them in addition to larn to role them correctly.

Used to 

"Used to" is commencement dealt amongst past times teachers when talking nearly past times habits. Students larn that at that topographic point are 3 dissimilar ways how to limited a past times habit in addition to this is 1 of them (the other 2 beingness the role of the Simple Past tense, in addition to "would").

Remember 4 things nearly "used to"

a) it way "I was inward the habit of doing" or "this is what I did inward the past times on a regular basis"

b) it is used amongst a verb inward the bare infinitive later (in other words, the basic shape of a verb without whatever endings or tense changes or helping verbs)

c) the words "used to" don't alter at all inward affirmative sentences (ones that aren't questions or don't own got the verb inward the negative inward them)

d) "used to" becomes "use to" inward questions or negative sentences (in other words, if the judgement has "not" or "did" inward it)


  • When I was younger, I used to do my homework either seated on my bed or on the floor. Now I sit down at a desk most of the time. 
(This is an affirmative sentence; the bare infinitive "do" follows "used to")
  • Did you lot role to go out every Fri black when you lot were a teenager?
(This is a query -- an interrogative judgement -- in addition to then "used to" becomes "use to" in addition to a verb inward the infinitive follows equally usual)
  • They didn't role to go to move past times bus, but directly they role world carry almost daily.
(We own got a negative judgement here, in addition to then "use to" is used earlier an infinitive verb)

Don't confuse the the substantive "use" amongst the verb shape "use to" inward questions in addition to negatives.

  • What's the use of doing this chapter when nosotros know it won't live on the test? 
("use" is a substantive here, that's why the article "the" precedes it)
  • Why did you lot role to cover that chapter when you lot knew it was never going to live tested?
("use" is followed past times "to" in addition to a verb inward the infinitive; it's too an interrogative sentence)

Although a set out of people find that placing a "d" at the halt of "use to" is acceptable inward questions or negative sentences, it is non grammatically correct. So, when speaking you may role it equally business office of your everyday communication, but never use it on an English linguistic communication exam because you lot never know when you lot mightiness land on a conservative examiner who goes past times textbook grammatical conventions. Personally speaking, I stance "used to" inward questions or negative sentences as an error in addition to then it's quite probable that at that topographic point are to a greater extent than like-minded folks similar me out there, in addition to then to live on the security side, don't use it on an exam.

Be Used to in addition to Get Used to

You should run across these 2 together equally accomplices because although they own got a dissimilar meaning, the verb that follows them is ever inward the gerund (the -ing shape of the verb)
"Be used to" way that nosotros are familiar amongst something, own got acquire accustomed to it because nosotros own got done it several times or habitually.
"Get used to" way that nosotros are piece of cake becoming accustomed to something equally fourth dimension goes past times but haven't acquire habituated to it yet. 

Because both of these phrases start out amongst verbs that alter according to the tense nosotros bespeak to set them in, "be" in addition to "get" change, but "used to" doesn't. The verb next "used to" equally stated previously is ever amongst an -ing ending.

Examples amongst "be used to": 
  • I'm used to waking upward early on inward the morning. (Present Simple tense)
  • I was used to waking up early on inward the morning. (Past Simple tense)
  • I have been used to waking up early on inward the forenoon since I started working for that company. (Present Perfect Simple tense)
  • I had been used to waking upward early on but that was earlier our novel neighbors moved in. (Past Perfect Simple tense)
  • I will live used to waking upward early on inward the forenoon 1 time the twins are born. (Future Simple tense)

Examples amongst "get used to":

  • I'm getting used to waking upward early on inward the morning. (Present Continuous tense)
  • I got used to waking up early on inward the morning. (Past Simple tense)
  • I have got/gotten used to waking up early on inward the forenoon since I started working for that company. (Present Perfect Simple tense)
  • I had got/gotten used to waking upward early on but that was earlier our novel neighbors moved in. (Past Perfect Simple tense)
  • I'll acquire used to waking upward early on inward the forenoon 1 time the twins are born. (Future Simple tense)
Negative in addition to interrogative sentences demo no particularity.

  • I'm non used to waking upward early.
  • Has she got/gotten used to waking upward early?

Don't forget to check out the listing of grammer points you bespeak to live familiar amongst before taking a B2-level test in addition to a C2-level test.

Find to a greater extent than grammer help here. 

Please read the commencement 2 paragraphs from  Grammar: Used to, Be Used to, Get Used to

To Summarize

Affirmative Sentence
Interrogative Sentence
Negative Sentence
Used to + bare infinitive
Use to + bare infinitive
Use to + bare infinitive
Be used to + verb ending inward -ing
No alter inward “used to”
No alter inward “used to”
Get used to + verb ending inward -ing
No alter inward “used to”
No alter inward “used to”