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B2 Writing: The Basics

This overview gives you lot the basics to missive of the alphabet in addition to attempt writing primarily required for the Examination for the Certificate inwards Competency inwards English linguistic communication (ECCE) awarded past times the University of Michigan but can, nonetheless, hold out used for writing at B2 flat for other ESL assessments as well.

This blog postal service is a starting signal to aid teach candidates the tricks to passing a attempt at B2 flat in addition to a springboard for writing tasks at subsequent levels (C1 in addition to C2). 

In whatsoever case, to a greater extent than or less of the pointers mentioned herein are so crucial to writing inwards an academic environment that if you grasp them, in addition to then you lot tin give the axe transfer them onto whatsoever type of writing you lot may hold out asked to produce, no thing the flat or context.

The source master copy surface area to embrace has to gain amongst full general pointers:

  1. Learn to utilization set phrases from sample essays provided inwards self-study textbooks or works life hither (look nether the B2 or ECCE labels or follow the link from the fundamental words category nether 'letter', 'essay' or 'writing' on the blog's abode page)
    • examples of these could be 
      • Having read your article inwards [name of newspaper], as a 14-year-old junior high schoolhouse student 
      • It is my theatre belief that
      • All things considered
      • it is highly unlikely that
      • there is niggling doubtfulness inwards one's heed that
      • the cracking majority 
      • a considerable amount 
  2. Memorize through do the frameworks/outlines of letters in addition to essays
    • Letters: textbooks in addition to teachers create got different ways of categorizing these, only over the years I've works life that narrowing downwards the categories downwards to four simplifies things for students
      • Opinion letters
        • these are the ones where the rubric (or question) asks you lot to say what you lot in addition to you lot solitary think almost a specific topic
      • For & Against letters
        • state both sides of the topic inwards these types of letters earlier mentioning your persuasion inwards the determination (which volition either hold out one-sided or balanced, pregnant you'll either back upward solely ane side of the declaration or can't create upward one's heed which side has the strongest arguments in addition to thus say both sides are as convincing)
      • Problem-Solution letters
        • such letters tell you lot to hash out a) the occupation in addition to give solutions or b) mainly focus on the solutions 
      • Recommendation letters 
        • these types of letters are non as mutual as the other 3 types only gain popular upward from fourth dimension to time. In them you lot are supposed to recommend someone for a seat or abide by (for instance, who would you lot recommend for shape president, or who is the best person to caput the combat gild in an upcoming national forensic tournament)
    • Essays 
      •  the source 3 types mentioned for letters apply to this category as well. Essay questions commonly revolve around opinion, for & against or problem-solution essays
      • the solely possible variation concerns a mixture of ii of these essays, inwards which instance candidates should catch the rubric as requiring them to write a discursive essay. In other words, the enquiry may inquire students to give their persuasion only also offering to a greater extent than or less solutions, or it might elevate a procedure that is both beneficial and detrimental so ii paragraphs should bargain amongst the gain goodness in addition to terms this procedure does, but too solid set down what could hold out done to minimize the negative effects (namely, it is yell for students to come upward up amongst solutions).
    3. A 3rd signal to move along inwards heed is what examiners are looking for when grading papers. No thing the exam in addition to how many marking sub-divisions each awarding trunk has decided to base of operations grading on, a candidate who writes needs to satisfy the next requirements so that he or she is confident of getting a pass.
    • discussion of the topic
      • some examinations variety this nether the championship "Task Fulfillment". Whatever the name, the examiner volition banking concern fit to come across if all parts of the enquiry create got been answered satisfactorily inwards a means that doesn't create confusion inwards the reader's heed in addition to leaves them amongst an overall positive impression.
    •  organization 
      • this category tin give the axe hold out summarized into ii words: cohesion in addition to coherence. The next questions should hold out asked past times students in addition to (in monastic tell for the odds to hold out inwards their favor) should hold out answered amongst a resounding "Yes".
        • Do I create got paragraphs? 
        • Are my paragraphs organized inwards a logical, sequential manner, starting amongst an introduction, followed past times the master copy trunk paragraphs in addition to and then a final conclusion? 
        • Does each paragraph focus on ane aspect of the topic I demand to bargain with? 
        • Within each paragraph, gain I create got a topic judgement at the start telling the reader what I invention to hash out inwards that paragraph? 
        • Are the arguments, explanations, examples which follow my topic judgement relevant to the topic of the paragraph they are inwards in addition to relevant to its topic sentence?
        • If I create got a complicated paragraph, gain I offering a brief final judgement inwards that paragraph to amount things upward for my reader?
        • In the introduction, gain I solid set down the management I invention to create got the topic works life inwards the rubric? In other words, gain I clarify whether what I'm writing is going to hold out my opinion, a give-and-take of both sides of the topic or a give-and-take of the occupation amongst solutions I've come upward up with?
        • Does the determination restate the master copy points of the master copy trunk paragraphs epigrammatically to briefly remind the reader of my master copy arguments?
        • Does the final paragraph roll upward the topic amongst my persuasion and/or move out the reader amongst an thought to ponder (a thought-provoking idea)?
    •  grammar
      • examiners are looking for multifariousness inwards structures in addition to grammatical units studied at B2 level.
      • it goes without maxim that such grammer structures must hold out used correctly.
    •  vocabulary
      • the same applies to vocabulary. Examiners desire a multifariousness of words to hold out used correctly.
    •  mechanics
      • this mark category includes punctuation in addition to spelling fifty-fifty though I tell students to include vogue in addition to register

All the inwards a higher house tin give the axe hold out summarized inwards the next notes which is a brief outline of the writing. More weblog articles are to follow on split points dealt amongst in the outline below only with inwards greater depth amongst concrete examples.

Above all, remember: transactional/argumentative writing is part sport, purpose mathematics. It needs do to larn the ropes in addition to arithmetical precision when developing your declaration in addition to unfurling your thoughts.

ECCE Writing Outline

1)     General Points

o Learn gear upward phrases + words
        • Connectors / connectives / linking phrases
o Learn frameworks for letters in addition to essays
o When you lot write, think almost what the examiner is grading
o The weekend earlier the exam report your mistakes from your past times writing tasks

2)     Grading

o Discussion: evolution of argument, explanation in addition to examples given
o Organization
o Grammar + vocabulary: variety, correctness, flat of difficulty
o Style / register / overall lawsuit on the reader: Would the reader acquire all the information they demand from your text?

3)     Letters

    • All letters create got an introduction, master copy body, conclusion
    • All introductions must say who you lot are and/or solid set down the argue for writing
    • You should aim at having four – v paragraphs
    • The solely differences inwards scheme are works life inwards the master copy trunk of each type of letter:

o Opinion letter:
Main trunk paragraph 1: declaration supporting your opinion
Main trunk paragraph 2: declaration supporting your opinion
Main trunk paragraph 3: declaration supporting the contrary side + in addition to then kill it
Conclusion: summarize full general points from each master copy trunk paragraph + clearly solid set down your opinion

o Problem – solution letter:
Main trunk paragraph 1: give-and-take of problem
Main trunk paragraph 2: give-and-take of solutions
Main trunk paragraph 1: give-and-take of occupation 1 amongst its solution
Main trunk paragraph 2: give-and-take of occupation 2 amongst its solution

Conclusion: summarize full general points from master copy trunk paragraph + await towards the future

o For + against letter:
Main trunk paragraph 1: arguments stating advantages
Main trunk paragraph 2: arguments stating disadvantages
Conclusion: summarize full general points from master copy trunk paragraphs maxim which side outweighs the other + give your persuasion or give a balanced opinion

o Recommendations:
Main trunk paragraph 1: give argue 1 for recommendation amongst examples
Main trunk paragraph 2: give argue 2 for recommendation amongst examples
Conclusion: summarize master copy recommendations in addition to give your persuasion (feelings)

4)     Essays

    • All essays create got an introduction, master copy body, conclusion
    • You should aim at having four – v paragraphs
    • Step 1 for essays is to read the rubric, underline fundamental words
    • Step 2: uncovering the topic in addition to direction
    • Step 3: gain the brainstorming
    • All introductions must create got 3 sentences: full general statement, dyad (topic), thesis declaration (direction)
    • The solely differences inwards scheme are works life inwards the master copy trunk of each type of essay:
o Opinion essay:
Main trunk paragraph 1: declaration supporting your opinion
Main trunk paragraph 2: declaration supporting your opinion
Main trunk paragraph 3: declaration supporting the contrary side + in addition to then kill it
Conclusion: summarize full general points from each master copy trunk paragraph + clearly solid set down your opinion

o Problem – solution essay:
Main trunk paragraph 1: give-and-take of problem
Main trunk paragraph 2: give-and-take of solutions
Main trunk paragraph 1: give-and-take of occupation 1 amongst its solution
Main trunk paragraph 2: give-and-take of occupation 2 amongst its solution

Conclusion: summarize full general points from master copy trunk paragraph + await towards the future

o For + against essay:
Main trunk paragraph 1: arguments stating advantages
Main trunk paragraph 2: arguments stating disadvantages
Conclusion: summarize full general points from master copy trunk paragraphs maxim which side outweighs the other + give your persuasion or give a balanced opinion

o Discursive essay:
Discursive essays may combine whatsoever or all of the inwards a higher house 3 essays. Just reply the questions inwards the rubric inwards split paragraphs.

eg: A enquiry tin give the axe inquire for the advantages in addition to disadvantages of an number as good as inquire for solutions