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B2 Sample Writing Two (Letter - Banning Smoking From Populace Places)

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The next missive of the alphabet is an instance of how exam candidates could tackle the bailiwick of banning smoking inwards populace places. The sample has been modeled on the University of Michigan Examination for the Certificate of Competency inwards English linguistic communication (ECCE) Task 1 query of the Writing department available on page 86 of the Hellenic American Union's ECCE Practice Examinations mass (Book 1).  

The aim of the work is for candidates to write a missive of the alphabet to The City Times newspaper to limited their see on the National Medical Association's (NMA) proposal to ban smoking inwards all populace places. The information the rubric gives candidates is that:

  1. non-smokers who alive amongst smokers aspect upwardly corking dangers to their wellness (for example, serious respiratory problems)
  2. children whose parents fume are at a higher run a peril of suffering from asthma, bronchitis in addition to frequent colds 
  3. the populace places the NMA proposes to ban smoking inwards includes parks in addition to beaches

Candidates convey been instructed to start out their missive of the alphabet amongst the words "Dear Editor".

If yous haven't already done so, read this post B2 Writing: The Basics

Dear Editor,

                          Having read your article inwards The City Times, every bit a 15-year-old educatee I would similar to limited my see on the resultant of banning smoking inwards all populace places. It is my trace solid belief that passing a police such every bit this 1 would last beneficial for all.
                            To start out with, prohibiting smoking inwards all populace places would hateful that everyone’s wellness would last protected. It is good known that smoking causes cancer in addition to fifty-fifty though smokers province that it is their correct to create what they desire to themselves, they are beingness inconsiderate towards others. They must realize that through passive smoking, everyone around them is at run a peril in addition to that they are the ones who are putting them at risk.
                         In add-on to this, banning smoking inwards all areas except mortal homes offers a fiscal advantage. Smokers would last forced to fume less in addition to so buying fewer packets of cigarettes agency less expenses. The regime would every bit good economize every bit having fewer patients suffering from tobacco-related diseases entails fewer infirmary bills.
                        All things considered, although many citizens volition undoubtedly encounter this ban every bit a threat to their rights, the regime of a terra firma needs to hold off afterwards the welfare of its citizens. Health counts inwards a higher identify all else inwards life, thus protecting people’s wellness should last a priority.

          Yours faithfully,
                             Marie Somerset

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To larn the virtually out of these sample essays in addition to letters  B2 Sample Writing ii (Letter - Banning Smoking from Public Places)

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To larn the virtually out of these sample essays in addition to letters  B2 Sample Writing ii (Letter - Banning Smoking from Public Places)