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C2 Sample Bear Witness 12 (Body Piercing & Tattoos)

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Sample C2 grade Essay

The next is a sample essay based on the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency inwards English linguistic communication (ECPE) writing section. The inquiry tin endure constitute on page 112 of the ECPE Book 1 Practice Examinations textbook published past times the Hellenic American Union.

Some people regard tattoos together with trunk piercing equally an extreme shape of fashion. Why do you lot think immature people are prepared to impairment their peel permanently inwards gild to endure fashionable? Do you lot think teenage rebelliousness or peer trace per unit of measurement area plays a greater role? Discuss, giving examples.    

Each historic current has its peculiar together with frequently ephemeral fads which fashion designers, celebrities or prominent trend-setters dictate. Although unopen to fashions larn out downwards quickly, others rest or re-emerge alongside a vengeance, equally is the instance alongside tattoos together with trunk piercing nowadays. The reasons that motivate youngsters to undergo either of these ii are varied together with though rebelliousness together with peer trace per unit of measurement area do indeed issue amidst these reasons, they are past times no agency solely responsible.
          The outset argue why anyone would create upward one's heed to larn a tattoo or pierce parts of their trunk is exactly because it is fashionable. Like whatsoever trend, it is followed past times immature people equally it makes them experience ‘cool’, business office of the ‘in’ crowd, makes them believe they check in. It may thence endure deduced that it is because they want to strengthen their confidence together with icon that they follow these trends.
          As tattoos together with piercing are pivotal inwards creating an icon that youngsters discovery aesthetically beautiful, it may endure construed that the minute argue why they impairment their peel on role lies inwards the fact that unopen to consider both these practices forms of art. Beauty, it has been said fourth dimension together with again, lies inwards the optic of the beholder, therefore, what ane sees equally peel beingness punctured beyond the limits of propriety, unopen to other views equally a run of art.
          A tertiary cause, particularly where tattoos are concerned, is that these fads pick out a message the bearer wishes to holler back or impart to others. Instances of such tattoos consist of special dates or names tattooed to cherish the retentivity of a loved ane or score the happy lawsuit of an anniversary or the nativity of a child. Other tattoos that autumn nether this category would endure mottos eloquently inscribed on one’s forearm or rib, reminding ane to never plough over upward or to bask life, to endure wary of others or that mistakes are meant to learn non discourage us. Whatever their significance, they are bear witness of a person’s identity together with personality, transcending inwards this way the notion of their beingness a mere fashion.
          Young people these days undoubtedly conduct keep much to endure angry almost so it is natural that past times doing something conventionally questionable or unacceptable they loose unopen to of that rage. This deed of rebelliousness meant to split them from adults inwards fact is connected to their want to carve out a unique identity for themselves which distinguishes them from their parents together with adults inwards general. Likewise, getting a tattoo together with trunk piercing may endure straight the consequence of peer trace per unit of measurement area but I discovery the icon of a high schoolhouse pupil prodding his buddy to conduct keep a cigarette to a greater extent than probable than ane inwards which he is seen coercing his friend into going to a tattoo parlor.
          In sum, immature people do the unconventional things they do non to rebel for the sake of rebelliousness, but because what they are essentially seeking is either an identity or a feel of belonging. Similarly, I am inclined to believe that it is non so much peer trace per unit of measurement area equally a person’s feel of beauty that induces them to permanently modification their trunk through tattoos or piercings.

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