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Literary Terminology List

The next is a listing of damage used inwards Literature along amongst definitions. The listing is past times no way comprehensive.

Literary Terms List

1) poetry: a literary genre characterized past times rhythmical patterns of linguistic communication (meter, rhyme, stanza, etc…)
2) prose: non-verse writing (anything that isn’t poetry)
3) stanza: grouped laid of lines inside a poem, ordinarily laid off from other stanzas past times a blank line
4) rhythm: A measured designing of words These patterns are created inwards verse or prose past times usage of stressed as well as unstressed syllables
5) metaphor: a comparing betwixt 2 different things without using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’
6) simile: a comparing betwixt 2 different things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’
7) hyperbole: he usage of exaggeration equally a rhetorical device to overemphasize a tilt to hit a greater effect
8) personification: a literary devices where human characteristics are attached to inanimate objects, phenomena or animals
9) alliteration: a literary device where words are used inwards quick succession as well as start amongst letters belonging to the same audio grouping (either vowels or consonants)
10) assonance: repetition of sounds produced past times vowels inside a judgement or phrase
11) internal rhyme: rhyme that occurs inside a unmarried business of verse (poetry) (eg. “We were the showtime that e'er burst.”)
12) end rhyme: rhyme betwixt business ending
13) free verse: cast of poesy which has no fixed meter or rhyme patterns
14) blank verse: cast of poesy written amongst regular meter merely without rhyme
15) sonnet: xiv business verse form written inwards iambic pentameter amongst 2 stanzas (an octave followed past times a septet) inwards abba, abba, cdecde or cdcdcd rhythmic pattern
16) Shakespearean sonnet: 14- business verse form written inwards iambic pentameter, amongst three quatrains as well as a couplet inwards abab, cdcd, efef, gg rhythmic pattern
17) foot: a unit of measurement of stressed as well as unstressed syllables
18) iamb: a pes consisting of an unstressed (less stressed) syllable followed past times a stressed syllable
19) meter: pattern of stressed syllables alternating amongst syllables of less stress (unstressed) inwards poetry
a. monometer: a business of poesy amongst 1 foot 
b. dimeter: a business of poesy amongst 2 feet 
c. trimeter: a business of poesy amongst three feet 
d. tetrameter: a business of poesy amongst iv feet 
e. pentameter: a business of poesy amongst v feet 
20) iambic: describing word describing a pes of 1 unstressed + 1 stressed syllables
a. trochaic: describing word describing a pes of 1 stressed + 1 unstressed syllables
b. anapestic: describing word describing a pes of 2 unstressed + 1 stressed syllables
c. dactylic: describing word describing a pes of 2 stressed + 1 unstressed syllables
21) couplet: 2 lines of poesy ordinarily amongst rhyming ends as well as that bring the same meter
a. tercet: three lines of poesy forming a stanza or consummate poem
b. quatrain: iv lines of poesy forming a stanza or consummate poem
c. quintain: v lines of poesy forming a stanza or consummate poem
22) literally: inwards the strict sense of a word, without exaggeration or metaphorical meaning
23) scansion: method or exercise of determining and  representing the meter of a business of poesy (stressed/unstressed syllables)
24) ambiguity: an persuasion or province of affairs that tin last understood inwards to a greater extent than than 1 way
25) carpe diem: Latin aphorism (expression) translated to "seize the day"
26) catharsis: refers to a literary theory showtime developed past times Aristotle, who believed that cleansing our emotions was the role of a expert story, specially a tragedy. Catharsis applies to whatsoever cast of fine art or media that makes us experience potent negative emotions which are purged equally a final result of feeling them
27) classic
         a) relating to Greek as well as Roman antiquity, specially amongst reference to literature as well as art
b) serving equally a standard, model, or guide
28) deus ex machina: (Latin for “a god from the machine.”) A plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable work is all of a abrupt as well as abruptly resolved past times the inspired as well as unexpected intervention of around novel event, character, mightiness or object
29) explication: interpretation of a text based on detailed nonetheless relatively objective evidence of structure, style, imagery, as well as other aspects of a work
30) genre: type or category of literature or cinema marked past times surely shared features or conventions
31) in medias res: (“in the middle of things”) literary device where a text opens inwards the midst of the activeness without an exposition (which gives background information eg. setting, characters, plot)
32) pathos: an appeal to the emotions of the audience to elicit feelings (evoking a feeling of pity, or of sympathetic as well as kindly sorrow or compassion)
33) propaganda: information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to attention or damage a person, group, movement, institution, nation
34) Realism: a theory of writing inwards which the ordinary, familiar, or mundane aspects of life are represented inwards a straightforward or matter-of-fact mode that is presumed to reverberate life equally it genuinely is (the sweat to stand upward for dependent champaign affair truthfully, without artificiality)
35) Idealism: handling of dependent champaign affair inwards a function of fine art inwards which beauty or cast are stressed, characterized ordinarily past times the alternative of particular features based on a touchstone of perfection
36) Romanticism: an artistic, literary, musical as well as intellectual motion emphasizing intense emotion equally an authentic source of aesthetic experience, placing novel emphasis on such emotions equally apprehension, horror as well as terror, as well as awe. This trend of literature encourages liberty of treatment, emphasizes imagination, emotion, as well as introspection, as well as oft celebrates nature, the ordinary person, as well as liberty of the spirit
37) stereotype: whatsoever persuasion widely adopted nearly specific types of individuals or surely ways of behaving intended to stand upward for the entire grouping of those individuals
38) tragic flaw: the graphic symbol defect that causes the downfall of the protagonist of a tragedy (aka. hamartia)
39) Nobel Prize: laid of annual international awards bestowed inwards several categories past times Swedish as well as Norwegian institutions inwards recognition of academic, cultural or scientific advances
40) Pulitzer Prize: an accolade for achievements inwards newspaper, mag as well as online journalism, literature, as well as musical composition inwards the US
41) suspension of disbelief: a willingness to suspend one's critical abilities as well as believe something surreal; the sacrifice of realism as well as logic for the sake of enjoyment