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B2 Sample Writing Thirteen (Letter - Schoolhouse Uniforms)

The  next sample missive of the alphabet has been written so that exam candidates for a  B B2 Sample Writing thirteen (Letter - School Uniforms)
The next sample missive of the alphabet has been written so that exam candidates for a B2 marking English linguistic communication exam (FCE immediately called First for Schools, ECCE, IELTS - 5.5 / 6.0, MSU-CELC, ESB, LRN) tin acquire some ideas most how to organize in addition to fence their writing. 
First accept a human face at how to purpose the sample essays in addition to letters that seem on this weblog yesteryear reading the next post:

What produce I produce amongst the sample writing industrial plant life on this blog?

Remember: such topics tin likewise live used to start cast discussions, so teachers powerfulness likewise desire to read on to acquire ideas most a cast action they could fix to better students' oral skills.

This item inquiry has been taken from an ECCE textbook which way that the rubric contains an introductory province of affairs in addition to and then the inquiry itself. The length of the sample missive of the alphabet that follows is some what examiners would await to live completed inwards one-half an hour's time.

Note: When y'all write a missive of the alphabet or essay, y'all don't have got to concur exclusively amongst the arguments y'all seat forward. Write what is easier to defend amongst explanations or examples. 

Here's the rubric:

Time to Wear a Uniform

Uniforms build life simple. And due to today’s children having plenty concerns, without having to worry most whether they human face equally expert equally their friends, nosotros have got decided to innovate a uniform at our school. The teachers at Billow High believe uniforms volition solve this problem. We would similar to listen your views on this issue. Please address your letters to the Principal, Mrs. Jenkins.

What is your sentiment on schoolhouse uniforms? Write a missive of the alphabet to Mrs. Jenkins to vocalisation your quest of take in on the issue. Give reasons to back upward your opinions. Begin your letter, “Dear Mrs. Jenkins.”

Sample Letter

Dear Mr. Jenkins,

                             Having read your proclamation inwards our schoolhouse magazine, equally a 15-year-old pupil I would similar to limited my sentiment on the affair of schoolhouse uniforms. In my view, Billow High should have got students apparel uniforms.
                             The start argue why uniforms are a expert thought is because they hand students a sense of unity. Students who come upward from well-to-do families cannot flaunt how much allowance they have every calendar month equally they exhibit upward inwards cast wearing the latest expensive build of jeans sold inwards the trendiest shop inwards town. Everyone inwards the cast is equal in addition to feels a business office of a squad if uniforms acquire mandatory. The conversation of students volition likewise non revolve about outfits, but other subjects related to school.
                             Though many would live quick to quest out that enforcing uniforms is harsh due to the fact that it does non permit them limited themselves freely, they are mistaken. Students should acquire to limited themselves inwards other ways – something which I strongly believe is a vital business office of instruction in addition to growing upward inwards full general – through, for instance, creative writing or music, presentations done inwards schoolhouse or fine art class. Besides, schoolhouse is non a fashion rail in addition to students are non designers who hollo for publicity.
                             All inwards all, schoolhouse takes upward only one-half of the day, thus wearing a uniform volition non forestall students from expressing themselves through the clothes they apparel during the balance of the twenty-four lx minutes menses in addition to at the weekend. If the uniforms chosen are attractive, why should in that place live whatever opposition to your proposal?

          Yours sincerely,
                              Jessica Daly

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The  next sample missive of the alphabet has been written so that exam candidates for a  B B2 Sample Writing thirteen (Letter - School Uniforms)

Useful B2-level exam posts tin live industrial plant life here:

The  next sample missive of the alphabet has been written so that exam candidates for a  B B2 Sample Writing thirteen (Letter - School Uniforms)