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B2 Sample Writing Xi (Letter - Alcohol Consumption Historic Menses Limit)

The  next sample alphabetic quality has been written thence that exam candidates for a  B B2 Sample Writing xi (Letter - Alcohol Consumption Age Limit)

The next sample alphabetic quality has been written thence that exam candidates for a B2 flat English linguistic communication exam (FCE immediately called First for Schools, ECCE, IELTS - 5.5 / 6.0, MSU-CELC, ESB, LRN) tin acquire some ideas nearly how to organize as well as scrap their writing. 

First possess got a aspect at how to role the sample essays as well as letters that seem on this weblog past times reading the next post:

What produce I produce amongst the sample writing constitute on this blog?

Remember: such topics tin also live used to starting fourth dimension flat discussions, thence teachers mightiness also desire to read on to acquire ideas nearly a flat activeness they could develop to better students' oral skills.

This detail inquiry has been taken from an ECCE textbook which agency that the rubric contains an introductory situation as well as thence the inquiry itself. The length of the sample alphabetic quality that follows is approximately what examiners would await to live completed inwards half an hour's time.

Note: When you lot write a alphabetic quality or essay, you lot don't possess got to deal only amongst the arguments you lot set forward. Write what is easier to defend amongst explanations or examples. 

Here's the rubric: 

International News Agency

Many European regime leaders met concluding calendar week to hash out the occupation of alcohol consumption about the world. They discussed increasing the legal historic current limits for purchasing alcohol. They did non agree, however, on what this historic current should be. Some countries oppose the idea, stressing that people demand to acquire to live responsible. Others back upwardly the plans. Voice your thought earlier the March 8th vote.

What historic current produce you lot recall soul should live earlier they are allowed to purchase alcohol? Write a alphabetic quality to the editor of International News Agency voicing your thought nearly whether the regime should increase the historic current bound for alcohol consumption. Support your thought amongst examples. Start your letter, “Dear Editor.”

Sample Letter

Dear Editor,

                   Having read your article inwards the International News Agency, I experience I possess got to limited my thought on the theme of alcohol consumption inwards teenagers as well as to a greater extent than specifically the historic current limit.

                   At the 2nd inwards Greece, the historic current bound to purchase as well as drinkable alcohol is 17. In my see this historic current bound should increase to xviii as well as the reasons for this are obvious. First of all, if a teenager is considered mature plenty inwards my province to stimulate as well as vote at 18, why should they live allowed to produce anything that tin price their wellness as well as security of others sooner? It seems illogical to acknowledge a teenager is mature at 17 when it comes to alcohol, but non when it is fourth dimension to vote or drive. We demand to live consistent.

                   Secondly, youngsters proceed to grow until xviii years of age, thence for the sake of their health, the regime should laid that historic current every bit the bound to starting fourth dimension a potentially unsafe habit that affects both heed as well as body.

                   To total up, maturity as well as the wellness of immature adults must live the 2 factors that decide the historic current at which teenagers should live allowed to purchase as well as swallow alcohol. Having to hold off 1 twelvemonth longer until they accomplish xviii is non bespeak for likewise much, anyway.

          Yours faithfully,

                             Cindy Marsden

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The  next sample alphabetic quality has been written thence that exam candidates for a  B B2 Sample Writing xi (Letter - Alcohol Consumption Age Limit)

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The  next sample alphabetic quality has been written thence that exam candidates for a  B B2 Sample Writing xi (Letter - Alcohol Consumption Age Limit)