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Victoria Hislop - The Thread (Plot Summary) Business Office 2

This is the minute part of the plot summary of Victoria Hislop's novel The Thread. For a brief introduction in addition to the starting fourth dimension 10 chapters of the book, delight read Victoria Hislop - The Thread (Plot Summary) Part 1

This is the minute part of the plot summary of Victoria Hislop Victoria Hislop - The Thread (Plot Summary) Part 2

The Thread 

    • chapter 11:
      • Dimitris, girls, Elias, Isaac oftentimes leave of absence on walks/to play: this is kept clandestine from Komninos
      • kids view graveyard
      • meals amongst the Morenos described
      • American lady at offices of Refugee Settlement Commission all the same remembers Eugenia + family
      • Katerina writes missive of the alphabet to her woman parent + gives it to office
      • Zenia + Artemis’s story: inward Athens, are housed inward opera house; ladies inward Smyrna (prevented Zenia from getting off the boat to rest amongst Katerina for fearfulness boat would capsize + they’d lose relics / icons for novel church) at nowadays tell her to write missive of the alphabet to notice Katerina
      • French lady at Refugee Settlement Commission indifferently puts missive of the alphabet on pile
    • chapter 12:
      • Katerina learns stitching from Mrs. Moreno, who is happy to receive got a immature lady to demo her merchandise to
      • Olga lends Eugenia coin to purchase loom to brand carpets
      • Olga tells merchants to accept their fourth dimension amongst the orders for novel Komninos mansion
      • Eventually, mansion is ready, Olga must leave of absence Irini Street: lamentable goodbyes
      • postmaster at sorting part inward Athens makes connecter betwixt Zenia’s in addition to Katerina’s mail
      • Zenia: remarried to vecino amongst four kids (Angelos Pantazoglou); Artemis is pushed some yesteryear stepfather in addition to siblings, Pantazoglou beats Zenia
      • Zenia asks Eugenia to hold Katerina for some fourth dimension
    • chapter 13:
      • Maria + Sofia desire to operate every bit tobacco girls (would operate outside, acquire paid every week)
      • Katerina in addition to Eugenia disagree amongst this: Eugenia wants her daughters to acquire a science (which would accept time)
      • Dimitris misses his friends: Komninos doesn’t allow them play together
      • Olga’s agoraphobia grows: tailors come upwards to her solid to brand dresses for dinners at the mansion/Olga’s appearances amongst clients
      • Katerina goes to acquire needlework at Moreno’s solid every black spell Eugenia fought amongst her daughters most their futurity every bit tobacco girls
      • Mrs. Moreno embroiders quilt: Roza’s operate for pleasance = she adds sth novel every therefore often; is a operate inward progress that would never live on finished; is a “profoundly symbolic work”; for Katerina this links sewing amongst love
      • Katerina’s acquaint for Eugenia’s nurture day: handkerchief she embroidered amongst bloom + butterfly
      • Eugenia gets missive of the alphabet from government: hubby presumed dead; is touched yesteryear Katerina’s beautiful gift
    • chapter 14:
      • Sofia + Maria start operate at tobacco manufacturing flora (away from home, border of the city)
      • Sofia gets a fiddling to a greater extent than coin than others because she’s flirtatious amongst supervisor
      • Katerina = thirteen yrs old: extremely skilled inward embroidery; goes out to sell wares inward richer neighborhoods; wares are sold for less than their worth, but e'er sold out, therefore coin brought inward in addition to identify unit of measurement never hungry
      • Moreno workshop known for its attending to particular + perfection: Katerina goes to operate there
      • Komninos at Moreno’s shop: Dimitri laid to accept exams to travel into law schoolhouse (although Dimitris wants to travel a doctor); Olga doesn’t leave of absence the solid
      • Elias goes to play tavli (backgammon) amongst Dimitri from fourth dimension to fourth dimension but leaves every bit presently every bit Komninos comes in: Komninos wants boy to acquire five languages before leaving school
      • why Morenos didn’t alive inward bigger solid since they receive got such a large workshop + skilful reputation: position profits dorsum into business, hire best workers (especially relatives + Jews but also Greeks, + had Muslims they all the same miss)
    • chapter 15:
      • Katerina learns nether guidance of Saul’s aunt, Esther Moreno (worked over twoscore yrs there)
      • Katerina position to operate inward finishing room nether Mrs. Raphael (on beading): does fantabulous work
      • Katerina remembers her woman parent working on ecclesiastical robe amongst nostalgia
      • historical facts: Thessaloniki = the affluent alive side yesteryear side inward shacks amongst poorer immigrants since the great burn downwardly wiped out homes; Irini Street families are inward between; unemployment rising; project militancy specially from tobacco workers; Nationalists hostile towards Jews (who hadn’t welcomed Greek troops during 1912 liberation of Thessaloniki + some who all the same didn’t beak Greek)
      • Moreno workshop: Moreno finds “Jew” painted on door
      • Campbell district: 2 Jewish houses torched: after many Jews emigrated (Palestine)
      • Moreno’s reaction to this: keeps morale of workers high (buys gramophone); takes out large ads inward newspapers to improve reputation (right-wing newspapers too)
      • dress for Olga is finished + Katerina takes it to Komninos solid (Olga has grown thin)
      • Katerina sees Dimitris every bit she nears the solid (Dimitris= sixteen yrs old); they travel inward together
      • Olga eager to listen intelligence from Irini Street: Katerina brings life dorsum into the solid amongst her intelligence + tales; Dimitris is mesmerized
      • Komninos returns; rebukes Olga for non having taken clothes out of box to hang
      • 20,000 stremmata bought five yrs before yesteryear Komninos for production of silk; guests / clients regard Olga wearing clothes made from his fine materials in addition to desire to purchase from him
      • Dimitris preparing to accept exams to acquire into medical school
    • chapter 16:
      • Komninos furious amongst Dimitri for joining medical faculty at university: his occupation concern is growing despite economical slump; needs lawyer non doctor
      • Dimitris: aware of inequality + precariousness of his seat every bit the boy of a wealthy man
      • Dimitris sees Katerina + Elias (Mr. Moreno at nowadays has delivery van for clothes): Elias + Dimitris suit to travel on tavli tournament
      • Dimitris’s academy friends: Vassilis Filipidis, Nikolaos Zakhariades, Lefteris, Manolis, Alexandros
      • they travel to tekhes to regard Stelios Keromitis (rebetis) sing most suffering + flying from Asia Minor until early on morning
      • nights out travel on + Elias joins grouping of friends (continues to play tavli amongst Dimitris)
      • Elias updates Dimitris: Maria moved to Trikala (married amongst baby); Sofia engaged for 2 yrs; Moreno grandmother dead; Katerina practically fellow member of Moreno family; Eugenia plant long hours at carpeting factory
      • Dionis Street: they regard Komninos travel into brothel: Dimitris tells virile individual parent indirectly the same black after returning abode belatedly + drunk
      • family lunch: Komninos goads boy to anger over political province of affairs (Metaxas appointed Prime Minister yesteryear King; is nifty downwardly on worker protests; merchandise unionists + Communists are exiled); Dimitris keeps his cool for Olga’s sake
      • Dimitris meets Elias, Vassilis, Katerina at kafenion (café): walks her home; falling for her happiness; says she, similar Mozart, is said to live on a prodigy
      • tobacco workers strike: Vassilis tells them all to leave of absence to back upwards over 20,000 strikers inward the city
      • martial law imposed yesteryear Metaxas: side yesteryear side 24-hour interval during strike, police force burn downwardly on unarmed crowd; Dimitris seeks shelter inward Moreno house
      • martial law declared, Greece = dictatorship: over dinner, Komninos toasts dictatorship (Olga non present) taunting Dimitris, who leaves
    • chapter 17:
      • Vassilis + Communists are imprisoned; farther suppression yesteryear Metaxas
      • letter to Vassilis’s father: Vassilis died of tuberculosis (Dimitris goes to alternative upwards personal holding inward prison; signing his nurture on the shape = marks him every bit Communist)
      • twins desire Eugenia to movement to Trikala (Sofia lives nearby), but for Katerina + Eugenia Thessaloniki = home
      • Zenia’s letters to Katerina travel fewer: squalid weather at home, sharing it amongst 2 stepdaughters + their husbands + their widowed mothers; exclusively Zenia works
      • Greek regular army pushes Italians dorsum (Epirus): Komninos toasts his boy + Metaxas’s army
    • chapter 18:
      • Germans arrive: nutrient shortages, Jews arrested (council members + community leaders)
      • growing anti-Semitism: signs “Jews non welcome here” appear
      • anti-Jewish measures: manus over radios (Moreno gramophone is hidden)
      • Moreno business: Germans are clients; employees at workshop were amend off than other Greeks because they had a chore + food
      • 2 men arrive, are representatives of Jewish Affairs Commission: get together whatever Jewish documents + manuscripts; Morenos enshroud parochet (curtain hanging inward front end of the Ark), tallit (silk parchment, 500 yrs old), yad (pointer)
      • German at Moreno workshop breaks rebetiko records employees would heed to on gramophone: gives them Wagner’s Lieder instead
    • chapter 19:
      • Dimitris + Elias travel andartes: travel members of EAM (National Liberation Front) whose aim was relief operate yesteryear stealing nutrient in addition to medication to give to the Greeks ; King George + regime receive got withdrawn to the Middle East
      • they bring together ELAS (National Popular Liberation Army) fighting guerrilla warfare against Germans
      • they obtain a few days leave of absence to view amongst family
      • Dimitris goes home: sees Pavlina + Olga; virile individual parent returns (“You’re a disgrace to this family.”) in addition to bans boy from entering the solid therefore long every bit he’s a Communist fighting for ELAS
      • Dimitris goes to Moreno house: they welcome him, give him a bed for the black + fresh clothes
      • Elias goes to Moreno workshop to convince Isaac to bring together them (Dimitris is jealous Elias volition regard Katerina)
      • Dimitris goes for a walk, sits inward a café, is recognized live on a gendarme every bit Komninos’ second son: is disgusted that his virile individual parent is on skilful price amongst gendarmes
      • all Jewish men 18-45 yrs onetime transported to do difficult project inward Larissa; before leaving they are made to do “keep agree exercises” inward the Sun without water, shade, rest: Jacob from the Moreno workshop vomits, collapses, is left on the the world unconscious for an hour
      • Jews are given the take away chances to purchase dorsum laborers (3 1000000 drachmas): Jewish cemetery valued at that amount yesteryear Germans in addition to therefore is given to them; Germans accept marble headstones, sell them + role them inward construction
      • Isaac returns (Jacob has died along amongst iii other Moreno employees)
    • chapter 20:
      • less operate at Moreno workshop: famine inward city; Komninos position upwards toll of fabrics therefore exclusively the rich had clothes made; poorer people brought clothes to live on mended or altered for size
      • Olga becomes thinner; dinners at Komninos mansion travel on amongst Germans every bit guests
      • Jan 1943: Eichmann’s deputy arrives to implement the Final Solution for 50,000 Jews; starting fourth dimension are made to article of apparel a xanthous star at all times, in addition to therefore are moved into a ghetto
      • Morenos give precious hidden heirlooms to Katerina in addition to Eugenia to hold in addition to hide
      • Moreno workshop is locked
      • Isaac arrives at Eugenia’s, starving: says he escaped from the ghetto. Rabbi Koretz told them they’d live on moved to Krakow, Poland; they were told to telephone substitution their drachmas for zlotys; he had escaped but came dorsum to leave of absence amongst his family/can’t abandon them; he has simply come upwards to acquire some clothes + blankets
      • Eugenia + Katerina rest upwards all black to brand warm clothes for Morenos
      • they both travel to railway station the side yesteryear side 24-hour interval to tell goodbye to Morenos but aren’t allowed to travel near
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A sentiment of Thessaloniki's waterfront promenade