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Victoria Hislop - The Thread (Plot Summary) Business Office 1

 is a volume that combines fiction amongst early on Victoria Hislop - The Thread (Plot Summary) Part 1
Victoria Hislop's novel The Thread is a volume that combines fiction amongst early, mid in addition to slow 20th century Balkan history inward a fast-paced narrative that tells the story of a changing urban nitty-gritty through the experiences of its protagonists. 

By User:MWD - english wikipedia, Public Domain,
It is the story of Thessaloniki, Greece's minute largest city, a pivotal harbor that has experienced war, migrant influx, grandeur during the Byzantine era, sacking in addition to slavery for 482 years nether Ottoman occupation. All this is non mentioned inward the novel which touches upon modern times, from the Great Fire that raged for 32 hours in addition to ravaged 32% of the urban nitty-gritty inward 1917 to the swell earthquake of 1978, the magnitude of which was felt inward nearby Yugoslavia in addition to Bulgaria. 

It is also the story of Dimitris Komninos in addition to Katerina Sarafoglou, how fate brought them together, to grow upwards on the same street though their backgrounds demanded they remain clear of 1 another. It is the tale of how Dimitris fought for his ideals inward a politically unstable province before, during in addition to after German linguistic communication occupation, in addition to how Katerina toiled to brand a living for herself in addition to the adult woman who took her inward every bit 1 of her ain when the 5-year-old was temporarily left inward her aid aboard a shipping leaving Smyrna inward the midst of Turkish atrocities every bit Ottoman troops took over the urban nitty-gritty in addition to later torched it

  By Unknown -, Public Domain,

The caption states "Photo of the American Red Cross, monstrosities from the tragedy of Smyrna" patch the French championship on the travel yesteryear of the page translates to "Turkish atrocities Smyrna 1922"

This is the get-go business office of the summary of the book's plot inward banking concern complaint cast for students who receive got been assigned it, for teachers who would similar to receive got the notes every bit a reference betoken for each chapter, in addition to for anyone learning English linguistic communication who would similar to banking concern gibe their agreement of the text after each chapter. 

The notes inward this business office comprehend chapters 1-10 (and the Prologue, to endure to a greater extent than precise).

More weblog posts volition follow regarding plot, characters, themes in addition to word questions / assignment topics.

The Thread

  • plot

    • Prologue:
      • May 2007 (7:30 am): Dimitri + Katerina Komninos encounter grandson Dimitris walking dorsum from a nighttime out
      • invite him to their solid to swallow + tell story of why they’ll never exit Thessaloniki (to alive abroad amongst their children; their boy lives inward Highgate, London; their immature adult woman lives inward Boston, US)
    • chapter 1:
      • flashback: May 1917, historical province of affairs described
        • WWI; Thessaloniki has been freed
        • Muslims, Jews, Christians co-exist peacefully
        • Eleftherios Venizelos: Greek Prime Minister
        • National Schism = pro-German monarch King Constantine vs. Venizelos supporters
      • Konstantinos Komninos: cloth merchant, wealthy due to sales for cloth needed for state of war machine uniforms
      • Olga Komninos: beautiful wife, onetime wearing clothing model, pregnant, inward her mid-30s, married because of beauty non dowry
      • mansion solid on Niki Street
      • Pavlina = housekeeper
      • Olga’s dream: tempest at sea, angling boat capsizes, naked babe swimming + vanishes
      • 2 porcelain figurines autumn + shatter (foreshadowing)
    • chapter 2:
      • Komninos moves out of bedroom
      • problems inward marriage: Komninos is unfaithful (visits brothels); is repulsed yesteryear his wife’s important body
      • Pavlina reassures Olga of her beauty + husband’s provide to her
      • birth of Dimitris Komninos amongst assist of physician Papadakis
      • Konstantinos is at function patch Olga delivers child; his exclusively business organisation is if babe is salubrious + normal (after all previous failed pregnancies)
    • chapter 3:
      • fire (Great Fire of Thessaloniki): started inward pathetic area, north-west of urban nitty-gritty (mixture of peoples)
      • family: three sons, sixteen year-old daughter; mule, goat, chickens on basis floor; spark from burn boiling to launder wearing clothing savage to basis floor, starting the swell fire
      • shortage of H2O inward city
      • explosions yesteryear Allied soldiers to practise firebreak
      • Komninos in addition to blood brother Leonidas sweat to acquire fabrics to safety
      • Tasos the caretaker at Komninos’s showroom dies going dorsum to acquire club volume for Konstantinos
      • fire jumps across Egnatia, destroying Komninos’s abode + warehouse (biggest cloth storehouse inward Greece)
    • chapter 4:
      • rebuilding of warehouse  + city: Jews & Muslims removed from urban nitty-gritty center, merchandise areas created
      • Olga, Pavlina + Dimitris movement dorsum to Irini Street (Olga’s solid unit of measurement abode where she grew up)
      • Komninos hates Irini Street, moves to hotel, slaps Olga
      • Irini Street: peaceful neighbors
        • Moreno family: Sephardic Jews (from Granada, Spain)
          • Roza, Saul, Elias, Isaac, Roza’a mother-in-law
          • Saul is Komninos’s client (tailor)
        • Ekrem family: Muslims, three daughters, know footling Greek
      • baby Dimitris cries: Olga’s milk non enough, needs moisture nurse à Roza (kept surreptitious from Komninos)
      • story of Jews leaving Spain 400 years earlier
      • Leonidas loves Dimitri + Irini Street: plays amongst Dimitri when non on campaigns (WWI, Venizelos’s force to regain Asia Minor + Smyrna 1919)
      • Kemal Ataturk (Turkish National Movement) pushes Greeks dorsum to Smyrna (1922)
    • chapter 5:
      • separation of Zenia Sarafoglou (with babe Artemis) from her immature adult woman Katerina (5 yrs old) during the devastation of Smyrna
      • Leonidas helps Katerina acquire into simply about other boat; binds her wounded arm amongst his uniform sleeve
      • Katerina promises to provide sleeve to him
    • chapter 6:
      • Katerina gets on ship, given to Eugenia Karayanidis who has twins girls Maria & Sofia (9 yrs old)
      • Eugenia: hubby officially missing; Pontic Greek, from hamlet nigh Trebizond
      • arrive inward Mytilini refugee camp
      • Katerina’s arm is tended to; she keeps Leonidas’s shirt sleeve
      • Eugenia = sensitive to girl’s feelings, kind, thoughtful
      • exchange of population announced (Jan 1923 – Treaty of Lausanne)
    • chapter 7:
      • miss shipping to Athens (Katerina’s mom said she was going there) because no to a greater extent than room
      •  take boat to Thessaloniki instead of waiting for side yesteryear side boat to Athens
      • dysentery inward camp
    • chapter 8:
      • warehouse + showroom opened upwards for two yrs now
      • Komninos won instance against insurer’s inability to pay
      • news of Leonidas missing inward action: eyewitnesses stated bulk of Leonidas’s regiment massacred yesteryear Turks inward Smyrna à Olga cries
      • life continues inward Irini Street for Olga + Dimitris; Konstantinos inward hotel
      • Ekrems exit (population exchange)
      • exchange at harbor: American adult woman working for Refugee Settlement Commission gives abode of Muslim solid unit of measurement (Ekrems) to Eugenia
    • chapter 9:
      • American adult woman takes Eugenia to Ekrem’s house
      • Katerina tells American adult woman she’s been separated from her mother
    • chapter 10:
      • Eugenia finds out nigh Ekrems from Pavlina
      • Eugenia + girls acquire into church building (Agios Nikolaos Orfanos = patron saint of widows + orphans)
      • Katerina enters haberdasher’s store (Mr. Alatzas); tells him mother’s scream + that she’s searching for her
      • Dimitri + the girls hang out together
      • Leonidas’s trunk found: intelligence brought yesteryear Komninos; Olga cries
Read business office 2 of the plot summary here.