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C2 Sample Essay 17 (Teen Unhealthy Eating Habits & Disorders)

Writing at C2 flat (Proficient User) on English linguistic communication language examinations is the same no affair the awarding torso when it comes to writing essays. If you lot are a candidate giving an exam inwards English, brand certain you lot read my spider web log post What create I create with the sample writing flora on this blog? to larn the most out of the sample essays provided past times yours truly. 

The next theme was taken from a Michigan State University English linguistic communication Language Examinations publication (Go For MSU - CELP (C2), Super Course System). As you lot volition notice, the theme is similar to what candidates would hold back inwards whatever other C2 flat exam inwards that examiners hold back a well-organized, coherent together with cohesive give-and-take of the number with arguments, explanations together with examples. 

If you lot are non taking an exam but demand ideas on the theme of eating disorders together with unhealthy eating habits, together with thence read on together with authorities notation downward what you lot deem useful. Don't forget: paraphrase to avoid plagiarism!

MSU –CELP Writing Sample Essay

Nowadays, teenagers appear to hold upwards suffering from a diversity of eating disorders. On the 1 hand, obesity alongside the immature is at tape levels piece at the same time, anorexia nervosa is becoming to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than common, sometimes with fatal results. Why receive got immature people’s eating habits larn thence unbalanced? What could parents together with teachers create to ensure immature people receive got healthier diets? Support your persuasion with examples together with explanations.

            The mensuration of life is such inwards our days that our lifestyles receive got larn hectic, stressful together with a persistent race against the clock. Nutrition, it would seem, is 1 expanse which has suffered every bit a outcome of this hustle together with bustle of daily life, with teenagers becoming susceptible to eating disorders such every bit obesity or anorexia. The causes behind such disorders are non complicated to deduce, making solutions to these problems together with thence larn readily available.
            To get with, at that spot are 3 principal reasons why adolescents autumn prey to eating disorders. The offset is the pull per unit of measurement area seat on their fourth dimension which forces them to catch a quick seize with teeth instead of allowing them to sit down downward to a home-made, healthier meal. Extra-curricular activities, mounds of assignments together with text mass pages to cover, pull per unit of measurement area from their parents to accomplish high grades inwards schoolhouse all contribute to less fourth dimension available for nourishing meals. Add to this the fact that parents are besides chained to jobs which allow them lilliputian fourth dimension to ready nutritious lunches together with dinners, together with you lot halt upwards with the perfect formula for obesity.
Another related sweat of unhealthy eating has to create with the availability of fast food. This extremely tasty sort of nutrient is acquaint inwards almost every supermarket together with diners selling it are flora inwards practically all major cities together with towns. How tin strength out anyone resist the delicious burgers, hotdogs, tacos together with pizzas that are effortlessly obtainable, chop-chop delivered together with inwards most cases reasonably priced? With thence many additives together with gustatory modality enhancers, teens are certain to larn hooked together with are outflow to larn overweight leading about to larn anorexic inwards fellowship to fighting the extra pounds this type of nutrient entails.
The finally argue deals with anorexia together with the images the media presents viewers with. Thin models prancing almost inwards adverts or on catwalks together with periodical covers promoting extremely lean, almost skeletal bodies force teens to compel themselves to human face similar the unattainable ideal picture the media endorses, regardless if that torso is dangerously thin.
To counterbalance all this, it is the project of teachers together with parents to demo youngsters the way. First off, parents should budget their fourth dimension together with receive got meals prepared beforehand thence that their children tin strength out receive got healthy, balanced lunches with them to schoolhouse or, if they hold back non to hold upwards domicile past times dinner, receive got home-cooked, ready-to-heat meals waiting inwards the fridge. This volition ensure that children receive got no excuse to complain almost having to pass fourth dimension cooking for themselves on the 1 hand, piece on the other a wholesome repast is guaranteed. Both parents together with teachers should besides speak freely almost torso image, advertising gimmicks, the dangers of obesity, binge eating together with purging past times sitting downward with their children or students together with watching documentaries on the theme or hitting upwards heart-to-heart conversations. Schools should fifty-fifty contain cooking lessons to demonstrate how simply a few minutes of fun together with inventiveness tin strength out give you lot the nutrients you lot demand to rest healthy, monitor your weight together with give you lot energy. Last but non least, teachers together with parents ought to laid a skillful illustration together with swallow healthily themselves, every bit no teen is probable to receive got an adult seriously when they encounter that adult doing the precise contrary of what they preach.
          Taking everything into account, 1 time the causes of obesity, anorexia together with other eating disorders larn clear, the ways to fighting them besides larn evident. Teenagers must larn aware of the dangers of eating unhealthy nutrient or purging to rest sparse or else volition receive got to human face upwards severe wellness issues inwards after life.