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Mun Resources - Where Produce 1 Start?

As the maxim goes, the get-go is ever the hardest component division - inquire whatsoever author together with they'll present y'all their fingernails, or whatever's left of them.

Well, starting off amongst your grand Model United Nations travail is non dissimilar writing inwards that y'all demand to acquire your facts direct earlier y'all tin get to pose your ducks inwards order. In this instance your ducks are your ideas together with overall sentiment vis-à-vis the issue.

The argue why most of y'all are reading this correct directly is because you've signed upwardly for the MUN team, or you've been asked to bring together it, or direct hold heard that you'll go abroad to attend it, together with hey, whatsoever chance to acquire away from your regular routine is welcome. Believe me, few people say "No!" to route trips.

However, beyond the indicate of accepting to attend, y'all direct hold niggling thought what it is that you'll endure doing. If y'all know of someone who's going at it a 2nd time, inquire them. First-hand accounts are ever the best. If you're component division of a squad who are novel to this, together with then your coordinator is the adjacent best private to approach. Chances are, said coordinator has already briefed y'all on a number of things together with well-prepared coordinators volition direct hold handed out a laid of folders amongst useful information for first-time delegates. 

This, honey reader, is the weblog entry for those who direct hold no 1 'competent' to plough to. 

After a moment's quiet in that location for all y'all neglected, lonely delegates, let's roll up our sleeves together with acquire cracking.

So, where to start, y'all ask? Simple enough. You've been assigned a country, together with a committee, together with 1 or to a greater extent than electrical flow issues that are to go the pump of attending at the actual conference. However, that's something y'all already know near the MUN together with if y'all don't, y'all could easily find on Wikipedia inwards a jiffy. In fact, it wouldn't endure a bad thought to only select a hold back at that page to have an overall picture of what is inwards shop for you.

Step 1 is think of yourself equally a reporter together with tread equally a reporter would. All practiced reporters study their dependent area earlier formulating an sentiment on it together with once that sentiment is formed, together with then together with exclusively together with then create they conception their article. Having taken practiced notes, which they've later organized inwards a meticulous manner, they continue to write their piece. 

MUN delegates are no exception to this. Having helped out a few students inwards the past, I've realized that the greatest error they brand (and the 1 I've pointed out repeatedly to them, which of course of study they ignore) is that they start their question means also late. As a result, their seat papers together with proposed resolutions are weak, together with they themselves go to the conferences unprepared. I hence stress it hither earlier going whatsoever further:


This article is intended to give y'all a listing of websites to see together with get together information concerning the basics, inwards other words your country, committee, topic, as good equally a few to a greater extent than useful links. More articles volition follow near MUN procedures, delegate folders, seat papers together with resolutions.

First off, detect out near the United Nations.

General Info near the United Nations

  • the UN's fundamental page volition give y'all information on only near everything
    • read the About the UN page together with inwards the subcategories on the drib downward menu, hold inwards mind the following
      • the main organs 
      • the specialized agencies
      • the UN Charter which will go useful for when y'all write resolutions later on
      • the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (also useful for resolutions)
      • read each section of the What We Do card separately past times clicking on the five different categories beneath it (maintain peace, protect human rights, deliver humanitarian aid, etc.). Understand what it is y'all volition be aiming for at the conference
      • the Where We Work section volition endure of role in 1 trial y'all know the province you've been assigned. Look nether the geographical location your province belongs to together with hold inwards hear all the United Nations offices that are active inwards that region. Going to the diverse websites available, volition give y'all valuable background information. For example, by clicking on Africa, then the UN's Women link together with and then Malawi (because, let's say, that was the province y'all were assigned) y'all detect a real helpful introduction to women's issues inwards the province together with the programs the United Nations is actively engaged inwards at the 2nd there
      • under the News together with Media department on the card bar, you'll detect press releases from United Nations officials together with other renowned individuals y'all tin role later on inwards your seat papers or resolutions, or from whom y'all tin acquire ideas near potential solutions to issues
      • once y'all know the issues you'll discuss, banking concern agree out audiovisual material, search United Nations videos on their webtv, together with other documentaries as well
      • finally, go to their news page together with nether the topic section on the card bar search for facts near your topic in 1 trial it has been announced
      • the documents section will endure of role later on when it's fourth dimension for y'all to write your seat paper together with think near drawing upwardly a resolution, but brand certain y'all know what's included under this heading and the different types of documents you direct hold at your disposal  
This adjacent link is a chip of a cheat for students whose woman rear tongue isn't English. By visiting the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) website nether the regional offices, y'all detect a number of links to the information centers past times country, pregnant intelligence is available inwards a diverseness of languages. For instance, a Greek MUN delegate tin read the latest news, interviews, announcements together with fifty-fifty detect useful links inwards Greek on the appropriate UNIC site. 
  •  for the UNIC website inwards English see this link 

That said, let's plough to learning to a greater extent than near the MUN.

Get General Information near the MUN

Now that you've read a few things near the UN, y'all ought to consider what an MUN is like. A dainty identify to start would endure the official United Nations page that talks near it. The most useful department hither is the MUN Guide for the General Assembly establish on the far correct of the horizontal menu bar at the top. Read through it to get your bearings. 

As students, the next pages should also render farther important links:

Your adjacent movement should endure to detect information near your country.

Get General Information near the Country You Represent

As all acclimatized delegates volition tell you, search for facts concerning the province you've been assigned here:
  • the CIA World Factbook
  • the World Bank
  • the World Statistics Pocketbook published annually that tin endure downloaded inwards pdf format together with summarizes each province on a convenient sheet
  • find and see your country's permanent mission to the United Nations on this list
  • the US Department of State also has further information here
  • Wikipedia ever is an easy solution inwards the end
A terminal thing y'all demand to question is the commission y'all volition endure on.

Photo past times Joakim Honkasalo on Unsplash
Get General Information near the Committee / Council / Organization / Assembly / Court You Are Attending

Another thing you demand to know is that the United Nations is made upwardly of 6 different principal organs. Most oftentimes than not, delegates are asked to attend General Assembly (GA) commission sessions, but y'all may endure placed inwards non-GA committees so y'all should know about them equally well.
The UN's 6 organs:
  • General Assembly (GA)
    • GA1: Disarmament together with International Security Committee (DISEC)
    • GA2: Economic together with Financial Committee (ECOFIN)
    • GA3: Social, Cultural, together with Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM)
    • GA4: Special Political together with Decolonisation Committee (SPECPOL)
    • GA5: Administrative together with Budgetary together with full general Committee
    • GA6:  Legal Committee
  • Security Council (UNSC)
  • Economic together with Social Council (ECOSOC)
  • Secretariat
  • International Court of Justice (ICJ)
  • Trusteeship Council     
There are many to a greater extent than other committees, commissions and offices, inwards fact too many to listing here, but in 1 trial y'all know which commission you're on, brand certain y'all get together information near its
  • official United Nations website (for example, ECOSOC is establish here, GA2 is here, together with so on)
  • goals
  • programs
  • documents: resolutions, decisions, reports (you can't read everything, only know where to detect them at this stage)
All of these goals, programs together with documents are unremarkably establish on the card bar at the spill out of each committee's website.

To recap, y'all direct hold full general information near the UN, what the MUN is together with direct hold gathered facts near the province y'all are a delegate of together with the commission or scheme y'all are attending.

Get General Information near the Specific MUN Conference

Your adjacent pace is to log onto the specific MUN website, that is, the website of the establishment that's organizing the conferences. For instance, if you're going to the Paris MUN, y'all demand to go here. If you're inwards the US, this is a page to go to but regional together with even international MUN conferences will direct hold y'all surfing the net. 

This component division of your search volition render y'all amongst a plan and agenda as good equally other information the schoolhouse or college deems of value. Introductions to issues on the agenda volition testify real useful so detect together with read those, which brings me to my adjacent point.
Photo past times brotiN biswaS from Pexels

Get General Information near the Issues on the Agenda

At this stage, if y'all know what MUN y'all volition endure attending, y'all demand to turn to your agenda topics together with send out question on them. Apart from typing key search damage on Google together with other search engines, also know that there are other news agencies or spider web pages you tin select wages of:

Learn near what has been going on at the United Nations regarding your number past times searching for documents, speeches together with voting records on the 
  • United Nations Bibliographic Information System (UNBIS) 
  • United Nations Official Document Search (UN ODS)

The to a greater extent than y'all search, the to a greater extent than clues you'll detect that volition Pb to key words y'all tin type on search engines together with probe deeper into the matter. 

The finally links I'm going to give contain the ultimate delegate guides that MUN advisors should indicate delegates towards. If your advisor hasn't already done so, read the next handbooks or role the next links:

Good luck, direct hold fun, together with cry upwardly - START YOUR RESEARCH EARLY!