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C2 Sample Bear Witness Ii (Waste Disposal)

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Sample C2 score Essay
The next is a sample essay based on the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency inwards English linguistic communication (ECPE) writing section. The inquiry tin hold upward flora on page 12 of the ECPE Book 1 Practice Examinations textbook published past times the Hellenic American Union. 

Most cities dispose of garbage inwards landfills, burying it inwards deep holes inwards the ground. Many environmentalists, however, oppose this procedure. What is your view? How should societies dispose of waste? Discuss, giving examples.

          It is an undeniable fact that the behave on of mankind on the environs is a much debated theme too 1 of paramount importance equally the futurity of the planet depends on it. To hold upward to a greater extent than specific, getting rid of our garbage is a thorny number because many purport that throwing it away inwards landfills is the best solution spell others detect that burying it surreptitious volition contaminate the soil. In my view, a compromise betwixt the 2 views much hold upward reached.
          On the 1 hand, the amount of waste product generated past times every household, workplace and
factory on the planet is such that nosotros cannot merely click our heels too instruct inwards magically disappear. Though environmentalists nation that this solution pollutes the soil, people’s rubbish must unfortunately hold upward collected somewhere too buried thence that immediate contamination of the air is prevented. In improver to this, burying waste product agency that it volition non instruct a magnet for a multifariousness of disease-carrying rodents too pests.
          On the other hand, reducing the amount of waste product nosotros fill upward dustbins with, processing it too virtually importantly recycling it, should restrict the amount of garbage landfills have to a minimum. Special processing plants should hold upward given taxation reductions or other incentives from the authorities thence that to a greater extent than entrepreneurs volition hold upward persuaded to setting upward such factories that volition physical care for the waste product earlier disposing of it. This agency that parts tin hold upward reused or that whatever is left of the processed production volition non hold upward equally toxic to the environs fifty-fifty if it reaches a landfill.
          All things considered, the the world is faced amongst what looks similar an insurmountable dilemma. If environmentalists could come upward up amongst a security agency of disposing of garbage, thence past times all agency permit them suggest it to the government. Until that fourth dimension though, they must elbow grease for to a greater extent than recycling to accept place, involve changes inwards authorities subsidies geared towards the structure of processing plants too encourage people to trim their unbridled consumerism.

Word count: approx. 320 words