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C2 Sample Test Xi (Advertising & Children)

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Sample C2 grade Essay

The next is a sample essay based on the Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency inwards English linguistic communication (ECPE) writing section. The inquiry tin endure constitute on page 112 of the ECPE Book 1 Practice Examinations textbook published past times the Hellenic American Union.

In most countries inwards the developed footing at that spot is concern over the amount of advertising aimed at children. Should this variety of advertising endure regulated as well as if so, what measures should endure implemented? Discuss, giving reasons for your answer.

          Not a solar daytime goes past times without our switching on the tv as well as beingness bombarded past times innumerable commercials. Advertising on billboards, at double-decker stops as well as on the radio are also recruited past times advertising firms every bit a way of persuading consumers to purchase a item brand. Children peculiarly are the focus of such firms, so a kid who turns on the TV to sentinel a cartoon becomes highly vulnerable to marketing gimmicks employed past times advertising agencies, making it all the to a greater extent than necessary for regulations to endure set into identify to protect minors, though about would disagree amongst the implementation of restrictions.
          Those, on the i hand, who affirm that advertising should non endure regulated indicate out that nosotros alive inwards a gratis society, hence all businesses accept the correct to endure heard, toy companies included. Hiring advertisers to familiarize the populace amongst one’s products is legal, thus advertising for these products is also something that should endure allowed inwards equal stair out to advertising for whatever other focus group. Why should limitations endure placed on children’s commercials but non on alcoholic beverages? If parents shout out back that their children are beingness excessively exposed to ads, they should monitor their children’s viewing, or if they are afraid their children volition wantonly purchase whatever products advertised, as well as so it is their undertaking either to reject to purchase a toy or game console, or they tin give their children steal coin so a kid tin budget as well as remove to purchase i of the many products seen on TV.
          On the other hand, opponents soil that ads aimed at children are every bit addictive every bit cigarette ads, which already accept strict controls placed over them. Children are non aware of fiscal matters every bit they produce non realize how hard it is to notice operate as well as build ends meet, nor produce they empathise the marketing tactics advertisers role to entice customers to buy. This leads to a hard province of affairs at home, amongst children nagging each fourth dimension they are exposed to a serial of commercials. Indeed, those who enquire that restrictions endure placed on children’s ads conclude that the sheer issue of ads on TV is a cast of brainwashing, so regulations must endure laid down.
          What tin endure done most this dilemma, inwards fact, is non simple. Restricting companies as well as advertising agencies is unconstitutional. We alive inwards a gratis economic scheme as well as every bit long every bit that is the case, companies accept the correct to advertise their merchandise. It is parents who should endure responsible for their child’s behavior, past times refusing them a toy seen advertised or didactics them to budget their weekly allowance. The exclusively concern that must endure addressed through legislation is prohibiting trigger-happy or offensive cloth from beingness shown, but that no dubiety has already been anticipated, legally speaking.
All things considered, temptations volition ever endure introduce as well as children demand to larn from an early on historic menstruation to bargain amongst them. Placing unreasonably strict limits on advertising agencies is unconstitutional, as well as inwards stance of the fact that it is a parent’s undertaking to educate his or her children, didactics a modest to curb consumerism as well as endure reasonable when it comes to fiscal decisions is the most effective way to dispel whatever worries amongst regard to children’s advertising.

word count: approx. 530 words