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B2 Sample Writing Sixteen (Transactional Missive Of The Alphabet / E-Mail - Summertime Linguistic Communication School)

 The next sample missive of the alphabet has been written then that exam candidates for a B2 bird English linguistic communication exam (FCE forthwith called First for Schools, ECCE, IELTS - 5.5 / 6.0, MSU-CELC, ESB, LRN) tin give-up the ghost some ideas close how to organize in addition to debate their writing.  First cause got a aspect at how to role the sample essays in addition to letters that look on this weblog past times reading the next post:

What produce I produce amongst the sample writing flora on this blog?

Remember: such topics tin likewise live used to start bird discussions, then teachers powerfulness likewise desire to read on to give-up the ghost ideas close a bird activity they could prepare to ameliorate students' oral skills.

This especial inquiry has been taken from a B2-level textbook preparing candidates for the Writing department of an English-language exam (particularly the FCE, forthwith known every bit the B2 First or B2 First for Schools). In particular, this inquiry deals amongst a transactional missive of the alphabet asking for information pregnant that specific aspects demand to live addressed inward your letter. 

The length of the sample missive of the alphabet that follows (a piffling over 200 words) is some what examiners would hold off to live completed inward one-half an hour's time.

Here's the rubric:



Here's the sample letter. Remember to banknote downward the unlike ways questions may live asked.




Dear Sir/Madam,


          With reference to your promotion which appeared inward The Sun lastly week, I would similar to asking information regarding your summertime courses. I instruct English linguistic communication at a individual schoolhouse in addition to would similar to encourage my students to do the linguistic communication past times aid your school.

          I kickoff would appreciate it if y'all could tell me where inward Britain your linguistic communication schoolhouse is located. Secondly, could y'all delight permit me know whether students would board at your schoolhouse or would rest amongst an English linguistic communication family? In either case, I would similar some details close the facilities, every bit well. Regarding your classes, although y'all cite that they are little in addition to taught on a daily basis, y'all produce non state precisely how many students in that place are to a bird or whether the course of written report involves grooming for the FCE examination. I would appreciate details on both.

          My concluding inquiry concerns fees. How much would it cost per somebody to attend your course? Do y'all offering whatsoever special discounts for groups? How many students would it cause got to sign upwards at the same fourth dimension inward guild to produce goodness from a toll reduction?

          I aspect forrad to receiving this information every bit shortly every bit possible in addition to give thank y'all you inward advance for your co-operation.


          Yours faithfully,

          Maria Smith



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The  next sample missive of the alphabet has been written then that exam candidates for a  B B2 Sample Writing sixteen (Transactional Letter / Email - Summer Language School)